“You’re a real bastard, Rylar.” I fall onto my back, erupting into euphoric laughter. I can hear Rylar laughing near me, too. I wait for a moment, watching the clouds drift peacefully overhead, a contrast to my entire chaotic morning.
Rylar offers me his hand, helping me to my feet. “I’m a bastard that gets results. Now let’s get some food before we resume.”
After a quick meal of meats and vegetables in a wooden building nestled within the forging grounds, Rylar and I resume my training, this time focusing on more running, long distance. He says it’s building my stamina, so it’s a grueling slog for hours around the grounds of the training facility. When I don’t think I can go any further, Rylar chases me, screaming abuse and claiming there are venefexes behind me ready to eat me.
Finally, he calls a stop. I collapse to the ground, thinking my lungs are about to explode. He only gives me a brief break tocatch my breath. Next comes more wall climbing. I spend hours attempting to conquer the level two wall without success.
Rylar offers some suggestions and tips, but to no avail. At one point I make it about halfway up before losing my footing and falling. As the ground rushes to meet me, terror grips my heart. I think I’m about to die until Rylar helps break my fall by catching me in some strange material that absorbs my fall.
It takes me some time to recover from the shock. Rylar hides the mat because he wants the experience ‘to feel genuine.’ Once again, I’m cursing at him.
On and on, we train until the daylight dwindles and I’m all but spent… Finally, Rylar shows some mercy and calls an end to the day. I hobble off into the forest, too tired to even speak.
I’m totally exhausted.
Chapter 14
My breath tears throughmy lungs, threatening to explode from the exertion. I know the beast is getting closer. But I don’t look back. I can’t afford to slow down. There’s no need to see it to know that it wants to eat me and will follow me until it catches me. Panic tightens my chest; my breaths come in jagged gasps. All I can think about is escaping to safety, though I have no idea of where safety even is.
I tear through the foliage as fast as I can, when, suddenly, I find myself before a sheer cliff and I stop for a second, my heart pounding. Without a moment’s hesitation, I launch myself into the abyss, hurtling towards the yawning darkness below.
I jerk upright on the bed, my breathing erratic. I wipe a slick sheen of sweat from my forehead.Just a terrible dream. It feltso real.Judging by the light streaming through the windows, it’s early morning, but I still feel exhaustion gnawing at me. With serious effort, I push myself to leave my warm bed, but my legs give way as I stumble from the height. I wince in pain, and it’s not just my legs that are sore; it’s every muscle. I swear even my eyebrows hurt!And I have aches in muscles I didn’t even know existed!
Slowly, I get to my feet and hobble over to the wardrobe and begin dressing. There’s not much choice, so I pick a simple reddish leather and fur outfit that is more practical than fashionable. As I bend down to put on my shoes, a sharp gasp escapes me as I see the horror in daylight. Clusters of blisters decorate my heels and balls of my feet, each one tender and angry. Last night, exhausted as I was, I managed to ask AHI to run me a bath. I know from my decathlon days in college that a long soak can help recovery and prevent this kind of soreness.And baths feel nice.But even the bath couldn’t save me, offering only meagre recovery, like a feeble twig trying to hold back a roaring tsunami.
My mind races as the reality sinks in—I might not be physically capable of training today, given the relentless soreness coursing through my body.I don’t have the luxury to miss a day!Anytime wasted will further increase my chances that I will fail the Proving, that I will die and so too will my love, Krogoth. I clench my fists, resolve flowing through my veins. I must push through.There is no other option.
My thoughts are interrupted by the familiar robotic voice of AHI. “Roxy. Class frequent guest seeks entry.”
AHI shows me the front door display, which reveals Xandor waiting with a bow slung around his back. It brings a smile to my face, knowing he went to the effort of having it made for me.
I tiptoe towards the front door, each step jolting my blistered feet, causing agony to bloom in my mind.
Nearer the door, I can hear Xandor impatiently knocking his fist noisily against the hardwood, his voice muffled. “Wake up, Sleepy.”
“Gimme me a bloody minute!” I retort, aching and cranky. Finally, I reach the front door and slowly open it.
“You look like you’ve been shat out the backside of a rampaging boracks, Rocks,” Xandor remarks, his eyes scanning my battered state. “Rylar really pushed you to your limits, eh?”
“You have such a lovely way with words, Xandor,” I wince, thinking back to that grueling marathon run yesterday, “but yeah, I thought he was going to kill me. More than once,” I add, trying to push a smile through the random pangs of pain. “I’ll get my armor and we will try out this awesome bow you brought me.”
Xandor interrupts before I can retreat into the house. “You’re not training in that state. I’m not carrying you on my back while I frolic around the forest.”
My heart sinks, his words echoing my own fears. “Xandor, please, I don’t have much time to prepare,” I plead.
Xandor frowns for a moment, scratching his head. “I have an idea. We’ll use the healing pods at Draxru.” He quickly shuffles the bow and quiver back over his shoulders before he moves beside me, placing his huge hands around my waist. “Come, let’s go.”
Immediately, he almost lifts me entirely off my feet as I place my arm around his waist for support. Together, we head toward Draxru. I remember using the healing pods on Krogoth’s ship and how they completely rejuvenated me. They even cured my long-term knee injury.Perhaps they’ll be able to work their magic on me in this state as well.
“I didn’t think Draxru would have healing pods? The place seems so… rustic,” I inquire as Xandor lifts me over a fallen tree branch with ease.
“Oh, it has them alright. Although on Klendathor technology is taboo, it can be broken under special circumstances.” Xandor smiles mischievously. “Like to save someone’s life.”
I wince in pain as Xandor steps over a sunken hole of soil, the sudden movement taking me by surprise. “But my life isn’t in danger. Well, not for a while yet, anyway,” I reply darkly.