Page 43 of Piece Us Together


“We agreed—we thought maybe…” he trails off, looking at Maison as his chest hitches with a panicked breath.

Maison looks just as panicked, as if he can’t believe his boyfriend is going to make him say it.

“Whatever it is, it’s okay,” I assure them. “We’ll talk about it and go from there. You can tell me.”

They look at each other for another minute before Maison grumbles, “You can fuck him.”

Say what?

“I can…you mean…?”

Maison smirks at me then, gaining confidence. He apparently likes seeing me flustered, the asshole. I’ll give him that. It doesn’t happen often, so he better fucking enjoy it. “You can fuck him with your cock, yeah. We agreed it felt weird, not having you do that. Felt…unfinished, almost. I know everything isn’t about anal sex, but we both would be okay with it. Or, you know, more than okay with it.”

“Okay. That’s—yes. I’d like that very much.” I place my hand on Nolan’s head again, loving how he relaxes just like before. Maison, on the other hand, looks like he’s wound up so tight he might snap in half. “You’re both sure?” I ask, keeping my eyes firmly on Maison.

He doesn’t look away from me. “Yes. Just him. Not me. You can’t touch me. And don’t kiss him. You’re still not allowed to kiss him.”

Loud and clear, Maison.


This is the moment when I should bring up my own limits and concerns. Wells was right. I have to set boundaries.Do they expect me to be exclusive forever? Where do they see this going?But they’re giving me a gift, letting me fuck Nolan. Maison in particular. This is another level of trust they’re handing to me.What if my questions ruin it?

I’ll do anything to keep from ruining this, my own heart be damned.

Wells doesn’t have to know.

I run my fingers through Nolan’s hair. He starts to sway toward my leg before catching himself, returning to his rigid position. Whoever taught him how to kneel must have been hardcore. He’s very good at maintaining perfect posture. But he doesn’t have to, not with me. I use my hand on his head to guide him where he was already wanting to go. Something catches in my chest at the soft, happy sound that escapes him when his cheek meets my thigh. I start stroking his hair again. His eyes flutter closed, his entire body melting against me.

When I look up, I find Maison staring at us with an expression I can’t place for the life of me.

There’s none of that fear in his eyes, though.

I take the win.

“Do we want me to use a condom?” I ask. We’ve all been tested, but it’s still a fair question.

“No,” Maison answers for the both of them. “He likes to be filled.”

Nolan shivers, turning his face into my pants to hide from me. I chuckle. “Is that true, darling? Do you like to be full of cum? To leak all over from being stuffed too full?”

“No,” he whines. Then, quickly, “Don’t like to leak…”

“He likes plugs, after. Or fingers in him. He doesn’t like to be empty. And he doesn’t like losing cum.”

Fucking hell.

“Raw it is. I haven’t been with anyone since our last tests. I assume the same is for you two?”

“Yes, sir,” Nolan says as Maison says, “Of course.”

“Excellent. Well, it sounds like we have a very needy boy just begging to be fucked. It’d be mean to make him wait, don’t you agree, Maison?”

Maison’s chest shudders with his next inhale, his pupils dilating to the point I can see them from here. His look is nothing short of predatory when it falls to Nolan. “Very mean. Then again, he likes it a little mean. Don’t you, baby?”

Oh, Maison came to play tonight.