Maison isn’t looking at either of us, instead treating his glass of water like it’s the most fascinating thing in the world.
“What?” he asks a little too sharply, his shoulders hunching forward.
“You were okay with it?”
“Yeah. It was fine. It was—it was hot, okay?” He looks at me then. Well,glaresat me. Unfortunately for him, I’m already pretty damn good at seeing the fear he tries to hide with those glares. He’s not scary when he’s so afraid. I won’t break that to him, of course. If it makes him feel better, he can glare all he wants. “It was just dirty talk.”
“Well, yes and no. Dirty talk, yes, but about things that we may very well all do together.” He blushes, eyes dropping again. I turn my attention to Nolan, mapping out the worry on his face as he watches Maison. I can’t have that. He must not see what I do.Must not see the want in Maison, lingering beneath all that fear and bravado. “I think Maison likes to watch me take you apart, Nolan.”
Nolan shivers, his eyes widening despite not moving away from his boyfriend.
“Did you like watching me do that to him?” I ask, my eyes back on Maison.
Maison swallows twice. Then jerks his head in a nod.
“Did you likehelpingme do that to him?”
He shifts on the couch. Nods again.
“Are you going to help me again?”
“Use your words, Maison. Do you want to help me again tonight? Want to be told what to do so we can make him fly?”
His cheeks are flushed bright, his eyes wide. He’s so focused on me, he doesn’t even bristle at the idea of being ordered around. He doesn’t remind me that he’s not my sub, like he usually would. It doesn’t mean things have changed—and I would never take advantage of the moment—but it’s still interesting.
“Yes.” He looks at Nolan, everything in him softening a little. “I’d like that. I want to help you take care of him. Make him fly.”
Oh, these men are going to be the fucking end of me.
Wells was right.
Fuck him for being right.
“Have any limits changed since last time?”
“No, sir.”
Maison hesitates, just a moment. Then, “No.”
I want to press him, but my gut tells me it’s not a dangerous hesitation. Less of something he wants to take off the table and more of something he’s considering adding. The former can’t wait, but the latter certainly can.
“Okay. Was there anything you want more of? Anything you really liked?”
There’s that blushing again, Maison worse than Nolan. I’m pleasantly surprised when Maison is the one to answer too.
“I liked comforting him. It was good for me, feeling like I was—I don’t know. You know.” He waves his hand, flustered. “I liked that. And—uh—I liked helping you, like I said before. You taking the lead or whatever. That was better than I expected.”
I fight the urge to grin, only allowing a small smile. I don’t want to scare him off. “I can give you more of those.”
They exchange a look before Nolan lifts one shoulder and Maison nods. Nolan turns to look at me. His exhale is shaky. “Sir?”
Oh boy.