“Peace offering?” He glanced at the cake, a small smile on his face.
“I guess. Or maybe a weapon. Depends on how the night goes.”
Ethan let out a laugh but didn’t say anything else. I followed him into the kitchen to find the guys arguing over what pizza to order.
“Anson is here,” Ethan announced, taking the beer to the fridge.
“Great.” Cole rolled his eyes, and Fox nudged him.
“I brought cake,” I said, sliding it onto the island next to Cole’s arm. He looked to it before glancing back at me.
“You like cake?” He grunted.
“Yeah. It’s OK.”
“Amateur,” he muttered, but he looked back at the cake again before stepping away and getting a beer from the fridge. My beer. I’d brought it for everyone, but he popped the top and locked eyes with me.
I chuckled and shook my head.
I wasn’t in the mood to fight. Not that I wouldn’t, but still. He wanted to challenge me, and that was fine.
I looked around the room and noted that Rosalie wasn’t there.
“She’s just getting out of the shower,” Fox said, smirking at me.
“I dirtied her up,” Cole added with a hard look.
It took everything I had within me not to just tell him to go fuck himself. I didn’t like to think of her being intimate with anyone. I knew they touched her and made love to her, but it fucking hurt to know I couldn’t and never would.
There. I admitted it.
It fucking hurt.
I smiled instead of sobbing like a little bitch.
“That’s fine. We have beer and cake,” I said, hoping my smile looked convincing. It must have done the job because Cole rolledhis eyes at me and called me a name I couldn’t quite make out before he completely ignored me.
“He’s really a teddy bear once you get to know him,” E said, nudging me.
I grunted. The last thing I’d call that grumpy fuck was a teddy bear.
“How is everything?” Enzo asked, looking up at me from the pizza menu.
“Good.” I cleared my throat. “How are you?”
I hated this small talk bullshit. I wasn’t cut out for it.
“I’m well,” Enzo replied, pushing the menu to Fox. He pointed to something on it that made Fox nod and pull out his phone.
“Don’t get fish on the pizza,” Ethan called out. “For the love of god. Fish doesn’t belong on pizza.”
Enzo laughed and clapped Ethan on his back before going to the fridge and getting out a beer. He handed one to me and kept one to himself.
“I have better alcohol if you’re up for it,” Enzo said.
“Not a beer drinker?” I popped the lid off my brew.
“Not really, but I don’t mind drinking your money.”