Page 81 of Into the Fire

“Rosie. If something happens to me,” I started again, noting the fear in her eyes. “You’ll go to him. If something happens, it won’t be safe for you with the guys because if they can get to me, they’ll get to them.To you.Anson will prevent that from happening if you’re with him. I know he will. So you’ll go to him for me, right?”

“Fox. . .” Her voice wavered.

“Rosie, baby. Listen to me. You go to him. You stay with him. You live a good life. And you never feel an ounce of guilt for being happy.” I kissed her forehead, her small body trembling. “Because I know he could make you happy. He already does. Just imagine if you belonged to each other the way we belong to each other. Trust me on this, OK?”

“Fox, I don’t like it when you say these things,” she whispered.

“I don’t like to say them.” I pulled away and held her biceps as she faced me. “But I mean them. I’m a De Santis. My father should be running shit. If he’s ousted and hurt, they’ll come for me, too, because I’d be next in line. And I’m connected to you. You won’t be safe. Promise me, Rosie. You’ll go."

Her green eyes searched my face, so much sadness and turmoil in them it twisted my guts. “OK. I promise. I-I will.”

“Good girl.” I kissed her gently. “No more sad talk. Let’s go inside and see where the night takes us. I have it on good authority that your dress was delivered today.”

“Really?” Her eyes lit up, making my heart clench.

I shoved away my sadness and nodded.

“Really, baby.”

“D-do you want to see it?”

I forced a smile onto my face. “Of course I do.”

She visibly relaxed and pushed her door open. “I can’t wait to show it to you, Foxy. It’s so pretty.”

I joined her, my heart hurting. “I’m sure it is.”

But I followed her upstairs just the same, and it hurt some more when she pulled it out of the bag.

It was perfect.

It was everything I’d have hoped for on our wedding day, but instead of saying so, I hugged her and told her she was going to look so beautiful in it, and I couldn’t wait.

It was a lie though.

I could wait, especially since it wasn’t me marrying her.

Guess I wasn’t any closer to getting over it than I was yesterday.

Sue me for being human.



Irang the bell, holding a red velvet cake in one hand with a case of beer under my arm. The fact I’d been invited over confused me. I was trying to look at it from a positive point of view, but I knew it would be an uncomfortable and awkward evening.

I’d seen the look in Rosalie’s eyes, though, when Fox had extended the invitation.Hope.So fucking much of it. She wanted us to get along.

I did, too, because I wasn’t going anywhere. Anson Beyers was here for the long haul.

Ethan pulled the door open a moment later. “Hey, Anson. How’s it going?” He stepped aside for me to come in.

I did so, brushing the snow out of my hair as I did. “I’m good, man. How are you?”

“Still kicking,” he said, his eyes not as bright as they usually were. Rosalie said he struggled with sleep. He looked exhausted off his ass.

He grabbed the beer from me, and I followed him into the living.