E groaned, and Fox cracked a smile.
There we go.
“If he gets to pick what he wears, so do I,” Fox said. “I’m wearing the banana costume from ninth grade.”
Enzo grinned. “Fuck it. I’ll wear mine too.”
“Banana suit?” Rosalie looked miffed.
“We were a bunch of bananas for Halloween freshman year,” I explained with a grin. “Get it?Bunchof bananas?”
“I don’t know how I missed it,” she said, laughing.
“Believe me, you didn’t miss much,” E said, joining in. “We looked fucking dumb.”
“I wore a pink headband,” I said, laughing. “Had a big ass bow on it. How did you miss it, Rosebud?”
She smiled and shrugged. “Guess I got lucky.”
I booed her as Enzo gave her a tickle. She laughed and squirmed on his lap as Fox got up to help Enzo. E grinned at me, making my heart swell.
Thiswas what I was fucking talking about.
This was the shit I missed and wanted back.
I was game to make it happen.
That meant giving in just a little with Ass Hat. Maybe I’d get close enough to stab him. A guy could dream.
“Hey,” I greeted Anson as he sat on a bench in the hallway outside one of Rosalie’s classes.
He looked up at me, his expression displaying his surprise.
“Hey,” he answered. “I’m just waiting for Rosalie to get out of class.”
We hadn’t spoken since I’d seen his lips on my Rosie, and we really needed to since she’d be spending a lot more time with him.
“I know. I have some free time,” I said, settling on the bench next to him. “Figured we could talk.”
“I don’t regret doing it,” he said immediately, staring straight ahead. “If you’re coming here looking for an apology, you won’t get one.”
“I know,” I said, resting my head against the brick wall. “I’m not mad.”
He said nothing as he looked at me, his blue eyes narrowed.
“I’m here to let you know that we’ve agreed to let her hang out with you more. You can take her out if you promise to keep watch on her. She wants to go to clubs and dance and sing. Eat pizza. See a movie. Sometimes we will be with you. Sometimes we won’t. I just don’t want you to think you’re getting let inbecause you’re not. Cole despises you, and the first chance he gets, and you fuck up, he’s going to come for you.”
“Noted,” Anson said solemnly. “I would expect nothing less because I’d come for him too if he fucked up.”
I cleared my throat. “Don’t fucking do it again.”
We locked eyes. He knew what I was referring to.
“I won’t,” he finally said. “She’ll be safe and cared for with me. I swear it.”