Everything on his face told me he was being honest.
I nodded. “If you fucking kiss her again—”
“Rosalie and I have already spoken about it. I told her I wouldn’t make a move on her ever again. She told me she wanted to just be friends. I accept that. However, the day she comes to me and tells me she’s ready, I’m taking her from you pricks.”
I let out a soft laugh at his words. “The day she comes to you to tell you she wants you is the day she does it over my dead body. I have no worries.”
He cracked a smile. “We could just run off with her together. Heard you’re into sharing.”
I had to hand it to him, he was brave.
I snorted. “I am, just not with you.”
His grin widened. “What’s wrong, Evans? Scared of a little competition?”
I let out a huff of laughter. “Is that what you call it? Need I remind you who fucks her at night and who only dreams of it?”
“Touché,” he muttered, giving me a scowl. “Honestly, you know my feelings on her. I would die to protect her. If she ever does tell me she wants me, I will take her away.”
“I know you will,” I said softly, going serious again. “If she ever does anything like that, I think it would be best if you did take her away.”
“You know, Evans, I’m beginning to think you like me.” He eyed me.
I sighed. “I’m beginning to think maybe I do, but just enough to not kill you.”
“I’d say we’re friends.” Anson raised his brows at me.
“Don’t fucking push it, Beyers. I would still gut you if you fucking touched her again. That was your freebie. You won’t get a second one.”
He smirked at me and didn’t get to answer because class let out and Rosalie came out of the room. Her eyes lit up when she saw me.
I stood and hugged her, breathing in the apple shampoo and the smell of just my Rosie.
“How was class?” I asked as Anson got up.
“Hey, Ani,” she greeted him with a smile before answering me. “Good. It’s a little boring, but I’m hoping it’ll pick up soon. I have so many ideas for songs, but they’re making us study the art of writing, not doing the writing itself.” She wrinkled her nose. “I hate that. It’s like taking Music History again. So boring.”
I’d not taken any of those classes, but if she said they were boring, a girl who adored all things music, I’d take her word for it.
“Well, I have news that may brighten your day,” I said, winding my arm around her waist as we walked down the hall, Anson on her other side.
“What’s that?” she asked.
“Anson is taking you out to dinner tonight.”
We stopped, and she turned to me, a puzzled expression on her face.
“What? Why?”
I figured she’d be more excited to get that news. Anson frowned at her reaction, so clearly he was thinking the same as I was.
“Uh, because you asked to go out and have a life?” I said, confused.
“OK. Where will you be?”
“I’ll be with the guys. We are going to look at suits.” I wrinkled my nose. The last damn thing I wanted to do was go look at suits for a wedding where I wasn’t Rosie’s groom, but I’d given my blessing and needed to work through that shit. This was what it took to keep us together, so I had to suck it up and accept she was going to be the bride of one of my best friends.
Surprise crowded her face. “Really?”