Page 48 of Wicked Dreams

“And you’reabsolutelypositive I can be with Liv and she won’t die?” I asked, staring him down.

“I’m positive that whatever happens, will be worth it,” he replied solemnly. “Trust me on that, brother.”

I nodded. I’d always trusted Abe. He was a cryptic mother fucker, but he was my best friend. While I knew he hated Hell for his own reasons, I also knew he wouldn’t steer me wrong. My mind was made up.

“Where are you going?” His dark eyes leveled on me as I turned to go back into dreamscape.

“Back to her.” I spun around to face him. “If he knows something’s going on, he’ll do everything he can to stop it. I need to speed things along. Tell her the truth. I’m trusting you, Abe.” Without another word, I walked through the dreamscape and closed my eyes, thinking about the new apartment I’d charmed my way into. I pictured the bed and couldn’t help but to picture the things we did in it. My skin tingled as I remembered her touch. Her kisses. The way she responded to the way I held her body close to mine.

It was the closest to heaven I’d ever be.


When I opened my eyes, I was no longer in the dreamscape but standing in front of the bed I was just imagining. I looked at the clock on the bedside table and saw it was going on 8 A.M.

Fuck, Abe was right about the time difference. It felt like I was down there for five minutes, but I’ve been gone all night.

Without another thought, I rushed through the apartment and out to my Jeep which I’d also managed to get my hands on by using my powers of persuasion. I headed toward the school, hoping I could talk Olivia into ditching again today so I could tell her the truth and seal our fate for good.

When I entered the school, the hallways were crowded with students. I pushed through them all, looking for Olivia. I quickly checked in the cafeteria before heading to her locker. As I rushed down the hall, I saw her exit the girls’ bathroom, her head down and arms wrapped around herself.

“Olivia!” I shouted desperately, pushing through the students. “Olivia! Livvy!”

She quickly glanced over her shoulder at me, her green eyes sad, but she kept walking.

“Olivia!” I yelled again, but this time she didn’t turn. She picked up her pace, her red waves swaying as she pushed through the throng.

Just as she was about to dart into a classroom, I reached out and grabbed her arm, gently pulling her to my chest. When her eyes locked on mine, they were full of sadness and anger. A sheen of tears eclipsed their normal sparkle. Something was wrong.Verywrong.

“Hey.” I placed my hands on her cheeks, gently rubbing them, longing to make her troubles disappear. “What’s the matter?”

She pushed against my chest, making me step back in surprise. “What’s the matter? What’s thematter?” she yelled, her eyes wild, her bottom lip trembling. A tear slipped from her eye and then another and another. I stared at her, my stomach rolling with the possibilities of what had happened in the small amount of time I’d been gone. She’d been happy when we’d parted. But now, I could see her heart had been shattered.

“Shhh, it’s okay, Livvy. Just tell me what’s going on.” I reached for her again, desperate for my hands to touch her, to soothe her in any way I could, but she slapped them away.

“What’s the matter!”She glared at me despite the tears still falling from her eyes. “Are you really going to stand there and play dumb with me, Van? Am I a fucking joke to you too?”

“Liv, I honestly don’t understand what’s going on,” I replied softly, my voice quivering. I moved to reach for her again, but she jerked away from me with a derisive laugh. “You’renota joke to me, Liv! I love you! Just…please, talk to me.”

“Talk to you! Why? What’s the point? Nothing you say is the truth. You’re just likethem.” She gestured wildly around her to the students. I glanced around to find a few staring at us in passing. I had to get her to calm down before the entire student population became aware of our argument. “And I’minsanefor all of this! I’d rather have the dreams, Donovan.Thisis a fucking nightmare. There’s nothing sweet about any it.”

“Liv, what the hell happened?” I demanded through clenched teeth, her words cutting me to the bone.

“Thisis what happened.” She yanked her phone from her pocket and swiped the screen until she found what she was looking for. Shoving it in my face, she showed me the image on the screen: me and Jessie from the office the other day. I was palm deep inside her. The picture certainly didn’t showcase me in a good light. I’d thought I heard the door open, but when I looked, I didn’t see anyone.Someoneopened that door and took a picture. All to ruin what I had going with Olivia.

“It’s not what it looks like, Livvy. Just let me explain!”

“A picture’s worth a thousand words. This one is screaming at me to run as far away from you as I can. It screams that you’re a liar and a cheater and that Inevershould’ve trusted you!”

“That’s not what this is at all, Liv! Damnit! Just calm down so I can explain it to you. Please, baby.”

She let out a bitter laugh. “Do you think I’m stupid, Van?”

“No, Liv. But you don’t know the whole story. Just come with me, and I’ll explain,” I begged. “I’m going to tell you everything. Please. Please just listen to me, Livvy! D-Don’t do this.” My voice shook as she glared at me, her eyes saying everything her mouth had yet to say.

“Fuck off, Donovan,” she whispered, her voice cracking. With that, she turned and walked into class, leaving me staring after her, my heart in my throat.

I was lost. I didn’t know what to do. The devil knew I was up to something. It was only a matter of time before he figured out exactly what and put a stop to it. Time wasnoton our sides. I had to get her to listen to me. I needed her to love me and give herself to me in order to break this curse.