No way was I going to sit in class all day, hoping she’d look my way so I could talk to her. I’d hang outside, thinking about how I could break the news to her.
With shoulders slumped, I turned and walked listlessly down the hallway and out the front doors. I sat on the ground with my back against a big tree, holding my head in my hands.How was I going to make her understand… and not only understand, but love me despite the curse?
“What’s the matter? Did you little girlfriend break up with you?”
When I jerked my head up, Brent stood directly in front of me. He wore a smirk, and it only pissed me off more.
“Didyoudo this? Was that you who walked into the room the other day?”
He laughed. “I can’t believe this shit, you know? I mean, who the fuckareyou? You’re nothing, and somehow you managed to not only get the hottest girl in school, but a fucking teacher too?”
I stood up, my anger boiling over. “You did do this?”
He sneered even wider and withdrew his phone from his pocket, showing me the same picture Olivia had. “Someone had to show her what a dick you are.” He shrugged. “It may as well be me. I mean, I’ve been dying to get into her panties foryearsnow. It only makes sense. Now, I’m the good guy. You’ll be out. I’ll be in. And I win.”
Anger burned its way up my chest causing my lungs and throat to feel like they were on fire. I pushed myself off the ground, and without warning, jumped on him. He didn’t see it coming. He couldn’t do anything but fall backward, underneath me as I drilled him again and again with hits. “She’s mine,” I seethed between punches.
He wiggled and thrashed around beneath me, trying to knock me off any way he could, but I was lost to the rage that was devouring me. He couldn’t even land a hit.
Somehow, I managed to pull myself away. I mean, I didn’t want to kill the kid. I just wanted to teach him a lesson.
“You better mind your own fucking business. Olivia is mine, and I will kill you if you fuck with her again. Don’t make life hard for her, and don’t lay another fucking finger on her, or you’ll never make it to college. Fixthisor you’re a dead man. Got it?” I hauled my foot back and kicked him hard in the side.
He let out a loud groan as he pushed himself to his feet, stumbling for the parking lot as he clutched his side with one hand and his bloody nose with the other.
I watched as he staggered away, my fists still clenched. That wasn’t even the real fight. The real one would be trying to get Livvy back now.
“Did you see Brent?” Anita asked, rushing up to me at lunch.
“Yeah,” I muttered, not bothering to look at her. I stared down at my hands, my throat tight. Donovan had cheated on me. It wasn’t just a rumor. Brent showed me the photographic evidence. Even offered me a hug after I nearly broke down in front of him. Opting to simply escape, I’d shoved him away, wanting to get as far from everything as I could. Which had only landed me in my history class with Donovan calling my name behind me. I was still reeling.
How could he do this to me?Granted, we’d met in a stupid dream—something that still didn’t seem real, but I knew it was. Tiny blips of memory poked through in my mind. Ruby. Heat. Tears. Loving him. Andhim, the devil. His face was blurry in my mind, but I remembered red, piercing eyes and a low, silky voice. It wasn’t a dream. It was real. I’d been to Hell and back.Literally.
And the man who had claimed to love me for centuries had cheated on me once he found me again. The thought was sickening, twisting my guts into hideous, painful knots. Something in the recesses of my mind told me I needed to talk to him though. I needed closure. I had to get rid of all the thoughts in my head and try to forge forward with my life. Even if it was without him.
“Liv, seriously, someone beat the crap out of Brent!” Anita’s shrill voice pulled me back to the present. “Oh, shit. He’s coming over here.”
Casting my eyes up, hope blossomed in my chest that she meant Donovan. Instead, I was greeted with Brent’s hard stare.
“Olivia,” he grunted at me. I stared up at his badly beaten face, knowing in my heart Donovan had been the one to do it to him. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably, waiting for him to continue.
“I’m sorry. For hurting you. And for telling you about Donovan.” His eyes wavered as he peered down at me. Anita sat in stunned silence beside me. “I-I just want to talk to you for a minute. Alone.” His eyes flickered over to Anita who looked at me wide-eyed.
“It’s fine,” I murmured. She reached out and squeezed my arm quickly before shooting a look at Brent. From the corner of my eye, I saw Wes approaching, so I figured he and Anita would be close by if I needed them.
Brent sunk into the empty seat next to me and cleared his throat. “I… uh… like you. And I didn’t go about showing you in a good way. In fact…” He ran his fingers through his hair quickly, a frown on his face. “I did it poorly. And I regret that. I just wanted you to know I’m sorry. I showed you that picture of Donovan and Jessie in the hopes that you’d see me as the good guy.”
“No, just let me finish, OK?" He held his hand up to silence me. “I don’t know what that guy’s deal is. But Ithinkhe loves you.A lot. And I also think he may have screwed up. Maybe you should hear him out.”
“Why are you telling me this?” I glowered at him.
“Because I’m a royal fuck up. And I’m hoping that maybe you’ll give me a chance—arealchance—once you clear the air with him. I know I don’t deserve it. If I’d just come over here and told you from the beginning how I felt, maybe you’d be mine. Maybe you wouldn’t hate me so much. I’m so sorry for the things I said and did to you.”