Page 21 of Hidden Chance

Chapter 7

Robby pulledoff his coat and draped it over his arm as he approached the same concierge he’d spoken to the last time he was there.

“Good morning, sir.”

“Morning. It’s nice to see you again, Kris.”

“I thought you looked familiar. The guy whose friend stood him up, right?”

“Good memory.”

“It helps with the job.”

“I bet. So many people coming and going, it would make a difference to them knowing they’re noticed.”

“And making a difference in people’s lives is what we like to do here.”

“Well said.”

“You visiting to see the same person as before? I can go up there and drag him down if you need me to.”

Robby laughed. “No, today is my first day on the job.”

“Oh. I hope it wasn’t an interview you got stood up for?”

“No, actually—” He gave her a mischievous grin before leaning in conspiratorially. “I wasn’t exactly truthful the other day, I’m afraid.”

Kris frowned.

“I was here scoping out the place, not to visit a friend. I made that story up so I wouldn’t look suspicious.”

“Sure makes you look suspicious now, though.”

“Good point. I’d been offered the job but wasn’t sure yet and didn’t feel comfortable telling anyone yet.”

“I wish you would have.”

“Would it have made that much of a difference?”

“Are you kidding? If I knew why you were here, I would have showed you around.”


“Sure. That’s my job.”

“I guess I missed my chance.”

“Not at all. I can still give you a quick tour if you like.”

“I would love that, but I don’t want to be late on my first day. I was told to speak to Titus in security about organizing my ID.”

“No problem. I’ll call him for you. What was your name?”

“Robert Moore.”

“Sure thing, Robert.”

“Please, call me Robby. Only my mom calls me Robert. And only when I’m in trouble.”