“Robby.” She winked, then pulled a walkie talkiefrom her hip. “Titus, I’ve got one Robert Moore here with me. Says he’s a new employee who needs to speak to you regarding his work ID, but I think he’s trouble.”
She grinned as a crackly voice came through. “I’m sure you can keep him in line until I arrive. I’ll be there in five.”
“Roger that.”
“Trouble, huh?” Robby said.
“Can’t be too careful.”
“I like your style, Kris. I like to see people having fun with their jobs.”
“Makes the day go faster, but you have to be savvy about who’s prepared for a joke and who’s not. Not everyone has a sense of humor.”
“That is true. Should I sit over there while I wait?”
“Go wherever you like. Normally, I encourage people to visit the displays, but I remember you’ve already had a look.”
“Yeah. I’ll wait on the couch.”
He made himself comfortable and watched as more employees arrived for the day. When Hannah entered, he leaned forward, watching her as she scanned her card and smiled at the guard, then disappeared.
She’d likely be suspicious when he turned up in her office, but he could easily bluff his way through that. Unfortunately, Fletcher hadn’t given him much time to win her over. He’d have to move quickly and make his interest in her extracurricular activities known before too long.
His eyes continued to rove from face to face until they landed on a bulky, olive-skinned man who enteredthe lobby through a side door and headed toward the concierge before being directed his way.
Robby stood as the large man bulldozed his way over. If it wasn’t for the smile on Titus’s face, Robby would have prepared for a fight.
“Hi there, Robby. I’m Titus.”
When they shook, each man tested the strength of the other until Titus relented, slapping Robby on the arm before releasing his grip.
“I like you already. You can always take the measure of a man by his grip.”
“I agree. I’m glad to know the security of this company is in capable hands.”
Titus looked him up and down curiously. “You’re not the usual business type we get in here.”
“Oh yeah? And what type do you usually get?”
“For a data entry clerk? I don’t mean any disrespect, but usually women. Although a few of them have had pretty firm handshakes.”
“Didn’t know I had such stiff competition. But my typing skills are second to none.”
“Is that so? What other skills do you have? Because you look more suited to a job beside me.”
“Data analysis is actually where I perform best, believe it or not.”
“Data analysis, huh?”
“Sitting at a desk so long, though, I like to keep fit in my spare time.”
“No kidding. You do much boxing?”
“I know my way around the ring, yeah. Why?”
“There’s a gym down town that a friend of mine owns. You should come by some time.”
“I thought you held yourself like a boxer. Thanks for the invite.”