Zoelaughed, the sound like music to my ears. "Ohreally?" she said, propping herself up on an elbow to look at me. "AndhereIthought the breathtaking views and mind-blowing sex were the main attractions.Clearly,I'vebeen missing out on the real mountain experience."
Ichuckled, pulling her close again. "Justyou wait, city girl.I'llmake a mountain woman out of you yet."
Aswe lay there, wrapped in each other's arms under the vast expanse of stars,Ifelt a sense of peace settle over me.Ididn't know what the future held, butIknew one thing for certain -Iwould do everything in my power to makeZoefall in love with this life, with me, just asIhad fallen for her.
Thenight air grew cooler, andIfeltZoeshiver slightly against me. "Weshould head back,"Isaid reluctantly, not wanting this magical night to end.
Shenodded, sitting up and stretching.Thesight of her, silhouetted against the starry sky, took my breath away.HowhadIgotten so lucky?
Aswe gathered our clothes and got dressed, stealing kisses and touches along the way,Ifelt like everything had changed.Theworld seemed brighter somehow, full of possibilitiesI'dnever dared to dream of before.
Wemade our way back to the cabin hand in hand, the path lit by the soft glow of our headlamps.Theforest around us was alive with night sounds - the hoot of an owl, the rustle of small animals in the underbrush, and what sounded suspiciously like a distantBigfootrave.
Backat the cabin, we fell into bed, exhausted but happy.AsZoedrifted off to sleep in my arms,Ifound myself wide awake, my mind racing with thoughts of the future.Iknew there were still obstacles to overcome, decisions to be made.Butfor now,Iwas content to hold the womanIloved, listening to her steady breathing and feeling her heart beat against mine.
Andso, as the night wore on and the stars continued their cosmic dance,Idrifted off to sleep, dreaming of a future filled with love, laughter, and hopefully fewer encounters with bioluminescent insects.Becauselet's face it, in the grand comedy of life, we were all just bit players trying not to trip over our own feet - andIwouldn't have it any other way.
Iwoke to the soft light of dawn filtering through the cabin windows.Axel'sarm was draped over me like a 200-pound anaconda, his chest pressed against my back.
Carefully,Iturned in his embrace, my heart skipping a beat asItook in his sleeping form.Inrepose, his rugged features looked like they'd been carved by an expert sculptor with a penchant for rugged masculinity.Myeyes traced the strong line of his jaw, the curve of his lips, and lingered on the scar that ran along his collarbone.Iwondered about the story behind it, imagining some heroic feat involving a grizzly bear or a daring mountain rescue.
JustasIwas contemplating whether it would be creepy to count his eyelashes,Axel'seyes snapped open.Aslow, lazy grin spread across his face, making my insides melt. "Mornin'," he rumbled, his voice sounding like gravel wrapped in velvet.
Hishand slid up my back. "Sleepwell?OrdidIrock your world too hard?"
Inodded, my body already responding to his touch like a well-tuned instrument.Myskin tingled where his fingers traced, sending shivers down my spine.Ipressed closer, craving more of his warmth, more of his touch. "ThoughImight need another demonstration to jog my memory.Youknow, for science."
Axel'seyes darkened with desire. "Good," he growled, before capturing my lips in a searing kiss.
Anythoughts of going slow flew out the window as our passion ignited.Axel'shands roamed my body, leaving trails of fire in their wake.Iarched into him, desperate for more contact.
"Axel,"Igasped as his lips found that sensitive spot behind my ear. "Please..."
Hedidn't need any more encouragement.Inone swift move, he rolled us over, settling between my thighs.Ilooked up at him, marveling at the play of muscles under his tanned skin.Hewas so much larger than me, his broad shoulders blocking out the morning light.
Ashe entered me,Icouldn't help the moan that escaped my lips.God, he was big.Thestretch was exquisite, bordering on too much but in the best possible way.Axelstilled, giving me time to adjust, his eyes locked on mine.
"Youokay?" he asked, his voice strained with the effort of holding back.
Inodded, wrapping my legs around his waist to pull him deeper. "Morethan okay.Don'tstop."
Axelgroaned, burying his face in my neck as he began to move.Thecabin filled with the sounds of our lovemaking - skin against skin, breathless moans, and whispered endearments.
Asour passion built,Ilost myself in the sensations.Theweight ofAxelabove me, the delicious friction where our bodies joined, the way his muscles flexed under my hands.Itwas all too much and not enough at the same time.
"Zoe,"Axelpanted, his rhythm faltering. "I'mclose."
Icould feel my own release building, a tight coil of pleasure low in my belly. "Metoo,"Igasped. "Don'tstop."
Witha few more powerful thrusts,Itumbled over the edge, crying outAxel'sname as waves of ecstasy washed over me.Hefollowed soon after, his body tensing above me as he found his own release.
Welay there for a moment, both trying to catch our breath.Axel'sweight was comforting, grounding me asIcame down from my high.Hepressed a soft kiss to my forehead before rolling to the side, pulling me with him soIwas sprawled across his chest.
Welay there for a while, trading lazy kisses and soft caresses.Butas the morning light grew stronger, reality began to creep back.Ihad meetings at the lodge, emails to send, a whole life waiting for me back inDenverthat suddenly seemed about as appealing as a root canal.