Page 13 of Burning Mountains

I'venever been one for flowery words or poetic descriptions, but the sight ofZoe'snaked body took my breath away.Shewas a vision of perfection, her skin glowing in the soft light of the luminescent flowers.Idrank in every detail - the curve of her hips, the swell of her breasts, the way her dark hair cascadeddown her back.Myheart raced, and a surge of heat coursed through my body, settling low in my belly.

"God, you're beautiful,"Imurmured, my voice rough with desire.Myfingers twitched at my sides, aching to touch her.

Zoesmiled shyly, a becoming blush coloring her cheeks. "You'renot so bad yourself," she replied, reaching out to trail a finger down my chest.Thelight touch sent shivers down my spine, andIfought to suppress a groan.

Icaught her hand, bringing it to my lips.Thescent of her skin filled my nostrils. "Letme show you how beautiful you are,"Isaid softly, my breath ghosting over her knuckles.

Startingat her shoulders,Ibegan to kiss and lick my way down her body.Shetasted like honey and sin, andIcouldn't get enough.Mystubble rasped against her soft skin, eliciting tiny gasps that went straight to my groin.AsIreached her breasts,Itook one nipple into my mouth, swirling my tongue around it until it pebbled under my touch.Zoegasped and arched into me, her fingers digging into my shoulders.

"OhGod," she breathed. "Axel..."

Thesound of my name on her lips sent a jolt through me.Imoved to give equal attention to its twin before trailing lower still.Herstomach quivered asIkissed and nipped at it teasingly before dipping lower still.Themusky scent of her arousal made my mouth water.

"Axel?"Zoe'svoice was questioning now, a hint of nervousness in her tone.

Ilooked up at her through my lashes asIsettled between her thighs.Hereyes were wide, pupils dilated with desire. "Trustme,"Isaid huskily before pressing a kiss to the apex of them.

Zoe'shead fell back with a moan asIbegan to explore with lips and tongue.Shewas already wet for me, and that knowledge sent a surge of desire through me like nothing else could.Partingher folds with gentle fingers,Idelved deeper into her heat.Thetaste of her exploded on my tongue, andIgroaned against her.

"Fuck,"Zoepanted above me asIfound that little bundle of nerves that made all women crazy with pleasure.

Icircled it slowly at first before increasing pressure and speed until she was writhing beneath me.Herhands fisted in my hair as she ground against my face shamelessly seeking more friction.Theslight pain only spurred me on.

"Yes... ohGodyes..."Herwords trailed off into incoherent moans that echoed in the quiet night.

Myown arousal throbbed almost painfully but this moment was aboutZoe'spleasure not mine.Everygasp, every moan, every tremor of her body against mine drove me wild with need.

Reachingup blindly she tugged on my hair urging me closer which only made me work harder for both our sakes.Themuscles in my jaw ached, butIwouldn't stop for anything.

Afew more passes hadZoetensing then crying out sharply shuddering through an intense orgasm.Iheld her hips steady as she rode out the waves of pleasure, my name falling from her lips like a prayer.

Asaftershocks rocked throughZoe'sbody leaving trembling muscles weak legs splayed wide in abandon, my cock strainedagainst confining denim eager for release too after watching such an erotic display.

Shepulled back slightly, her eyes dark with desire. "Takeme,Axel," she whispered. "Makeme yours."

Thosewords ignited a fire in me that threatened to consume us both.Witha growl,Ilowered myself over her, and the world around us seemed to come alive.Thebioluminescent insects swirled around us in a dizzying dance, their soft light casting an ethereal glow onZoe'sskin.Theluminescent flowers pulsed in time with our racing hearts, as if nature itself was celebrating our union.

Ourlovemaking was passionate and tender, urgent yet unhurried.Everytouch, every kiss felt charged with electricity.Mycalloused hands trembled as they traced the soft curves ofZoe'sbody, her skin like silk beneath my fingertips.Thescent of pine and wildflowers mingled with the musky aroma of our desire, creating an intoxicating perfume that made my head spin.

Zoe'sbreath hitched asInuzzled the sensitive spot behind her ear, her fingers digging into my shoulders.Thetaste of salt on her skin ignited a primal hunger within me, andIgrowled low in my throat.Thestars above us blurred into streaks of light, mirroring the meteors that still blazed across the sky.Itwas as if the entire universe had aligned just for this moment, just for us.

Myheart thundered in my chest, matching the rhythm ofZoe'srapid pulse beneath my lips asItrailed kisses down her neck.Thecool night air raised goosebumps on our heated skin, heightening every sensation.Zoearched against me, her body fitting perfectly against mine as if we were two halves of a whole finally reunited.

Whenwe finally came together, it was with an intensity that left us both breathless.Zoe'sback arched like a taut bowstring asIburied myself deep inside her welcoming heat.Ajolt of pure pleasure shot through me, setting every nerve ending alight with exquisite jolts of electricity.Waveafter wave of ecstasy washed over us, our mingled cries of passion echoing through the moonlit clearing.Theearth seemed to tremble beneath us, or perhaps it was just the quaking of our intertwined bodies moving in perfect rhythm.

Mycalloused hands roamed the soft curves ofZoe'sbody, committing every satiny inch to memory through fevered touches.Thefloral scent of her arousal mingled with the earthy tang of the pines surrounding us, overwhelming my senses.Idrank in the sight of her flushed cheeks, parted lips, and hooded eyes dark with desire.Eachbreathless moan that spilled from those plump lips was sweeter than any melody, driving me onward with increasing fervor.Everynerve ending sang with the incredible friction of our joined bodies as we chased that elusive pinnacle together.

Inthat moment,Ifelt more connected toZoe, to the earth, to everything, thanIever had before.Myvision blurred, overwhelmed by the intensity of our connection.Everymuscle in my body tensed and relaxed in rapid succession, leaving me feeling both utterly spent and completely alive.Asour breathing slowly returned to normal,IcradledZoeagainst my chest, marveling at how perfectly she fit in my arms.Thewarmth of her body against mine felt like coming home, andIknew with absolute certainty thatInever wanted to let her go.

Themeteor shower had subsided, leaving behind a sky full of twinkling stars.Thebioluminescent insects settled around us, their soft glow creating a cocoon of light.

Zoenuzzled into my chest.Herfingers traced lazy patterns on my skin. "Thatwas..." she trailed off.

"Yeah,"Iagreed, attempting to press a kiss to the top of her head but somehow managing to lick her ear instead. "Itwas..."

Welay in what could generously be called "comfortable silence."Asthe minutes ticked by, a nagging fear began to creep into my mind.Whatif this was just a fleeting moment forZoe?Whatif, when morning came, she'd realize this wasn't the life she wanted and run screaming back to civilization faster than you can say "pumpkin spice latte"?

Ipulled her down for another kiss, pouring all my emotions into it.Whenwe broke apart, both breathless, she smiled, snuggling back into my chest. "Justwait tillIshow you the rest of what these mountains have to offer,"Isaid. "We'vegot bears doing stand-up comedy, squirrels performing 'Hamilton,' and let's not forget the annual 'Runningof theKarens' event at the localWalmart."