Page 20 of Ink

“They won’t be able to hold me. I’ll be back out in a couple of days,” Zeb warned.

“Not this time,” Ink spat. “You see, we caught you on my video footage breaking into my house earlier this evening when you were looking for Charlie. I’m going to be the one filing charges and this time, they will stick.”

“Along with the fact that you’re violating your restraining order that Charlie has filed on you, and I’m sure they’ll be happy to stick on the fact that you were her trying to kidnap a baby.”

“My baby,” Zeb shouted. “She’s my kid.”

“Not anymore, she’s not,” Ink spat. “You were told by a judge that you had no rights to Charlie’s baby. He dismissed your case when we presented evidence of the abuse that Charlie had to endure. I’m sure that the cops will be happy to look into all of that and keep you for a while.” They watched as three police cars pulled into the driveway and Zeb looked about ready to be sick. Charlie almost felt sorry for her ex—almost.

“Oh, and one more thing,” Ink said, “if you do, by some miracle, get out of jail at some point, I’ll be the one standing in your way the next time you try to get to Charlie or the baby.” They watched as the police took Zeb into custody, reading him his rights, and shoving him into the back of a police car. The idiot was smart enough to do what the cops told him and keepsilent, but she was sure that it wouldn’t last long. She just hoped that Ink was right, and they’d keep him for a while.

Ink looked over at her and she wanted to burst into tears. After the way that she called him a liar and pushed him out of her life, he still wanted to protect her and Bethany.

“Did you mean what you just said to him?” she whispered. “You’ll be there to protect Bethany and me if he gets out?”

“Yeah, but we can talk about that in a bit. Let’s talk to the cops first and give our statements. I’m sure that they’ll want the whole story from you, honey. Then, you and I are going back home to have a little heart-to-heart.”

She didn’t want to get her hopes up, but she was. “We are?” she asked.

“Yep, and I’ve arranged for Brooke and Mace to keep Bethany for the night,” he said. Leaving her daughter wasn’t something that she had ever given much thought to, but she knew that Brooke and Mace would take good care of Bethany while she and Ink had their, “Heart to heart.” Charlie nodded her agreement, not sure that she’d be able to talk past the lump in her throat.

Ink was right—the cops had a lot of questions for her and by the time they left, she was exhausted. She quickly grabbed an overnight bag and kissed Bethany’s head, promising to be back in the morning for her. As she thanked Mace and Brooke, Ink impatiently waited by the door.

“I’ll be back to feed Bethany in the morning,” she said to Brooke. “But, if I’m late, some of my milk is in your freezer.” Mace made a face that had them both laughing and Ink cleared his throat. “Got to go,” she whispered to Brooke.

Ink helped her into his pick-up truck, and she wondered if he was going to say anything to her or if they were going to ride back to his house in silence. She was fine with the quiet but every second that passed, without him speaking to her, had her feeling as though it was a mistake to go home with him tonight.

“Are you going to speak to me at all?” she asked. “I thought that the whole purpose of me coming home with you was so we could have a discussion.” He didn’t take his eyes off the road, but she noticed the way his hands tightened on the steering wheel.

“I was going to wait until we got back home, but now is as good a time as ever,” Ink mumbled. He pulled off to the side of the road and Charlie held on for dear life.

“What the hell are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m pulling off so that I can properly ask you to marry me,” he breathed. He stopped his truck as gravel and dust flew around them, and put it in park. She wasn’t sure if she had heard him correctly. Did he just say that he was going to ask her to marry him?

“I’m sorry, what?” she whispered.

Ink turned in his seat and took her hands into his own. “I shouldn’t have kept the fact that I inherited my grandfather’s estate from you. Honestly, it’s not something that I share with most people, but you aren’t most people. Not to me. I’m in love with you, honey and I should have told you everything, and I promise to if you agree to give me another chance. I want to be Bethany’s dad and your husband, but I can’t do that unless you agree to forgive me.” She had already decided to forgive him, but she never imagined that he’d ask her to marry him.

“I’ve already forgiven you, Ink,” she whispered. “I overreacted because of my past with Zeb, but you aren’t him. You’re nothing like him and the fact that you’re still here proves that. Zeb only ever cared about himself. You have shown me over and over again that you care for me and Bethany, and I should have trusted you. I’m the one who should be asking for your forgiveness.”

“I’ve already forgiven you, honey,” he said, giving her back her words. “So, how about my marriage proposal?” Ink asked. “Do you need to think about it?”

“No,” she breathed.

“Oh,” he whispered, “I understand that it’s a lot all at once,” he said. “Just give it some thought.”

“Ink, I’m not saying no to your proposal,” she said. “I was saying no to needing more time. I want to marry you.” He unbuckled her seatbelt and pulled her over to his lap.

“I missed you, honey,” he whispered.

“I missed you too, Ink,” she admitted.

“Promise me that we’ll never have to spend two weeks apart again,” he said.

“Deal,” she breathed, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I love you, Ink,” she said.

“I love you too, honey. I have known for a few months now that you were the one for me,” he admitted.