Page 21 of Ink

“Wait, we only met four months ago,” she reminded.

“Oh, honey,” he breathed, “I knew that I wanted to marry you since the day you ran into my shop.” She gasped and Ink sealed his mouth over hers, taking the rest of her sigh.

He broke their kiss, and she smiled up at him. “So, asking me back to your place was just a ploy to get me to marry you?” she asked.

“Yep, and it worked, didn’t it?” he asked.

“Yeah, your grand plan worked,” she agreed. “Thanks for helping me that day, Ink,” she whispered. “Bethany and I wouldn’t have been able to break free from Zeb without your help.”

“My pleasure,” he breathed. “But for the record, I saw how badass you were back at Mace’s cabin. You looked like you were holding your own with your ex.”

“I wasn’t, but that can be our secret,” she said. She was finally free from her abusive ex-husband and Bethany would never know that life. She had broken the cycle of abuse and that had everything to do with the man holding her in his arms.

“Let’s go home, honey,” he said. Charlie could hear the promise of what he planned on doing with her once he got her home, and honestly, she couldn’t wait.

“Let’s go home,” she agreed. Charlie knew firsthand how difficult life could be. It liked to throw her curve balls in the fourth inning, and now, with Ink’s help, she’d be able to hit them out of the park.

The End

I hope you loved Ink and Charlie’s story! Now, buckle up and get ready for another Road Reaper! Spade (Road Reapers MC Book 3) is coming in 2025 from K.L. Ramsey!


Spade walked into Ink’s tattoo shop and looked around. His place was great, and Spade was looking forward to getting his tattoo sleeve finished. Ink seemed like a pretty good guy, and he knew that he did great work just from seeing his club brother’s new tats.

“Can I help you?” a sexy woman asked as she walked out of the backroom. She looked familiar, but he just couldn’t place her.

“Do we know each other?” Spade asked, ignoring her question.

“Um, I’m not sure,” she said, “you do look familiar. Are you friends with Ink?” she asked

“Yeah, we go to the same club,” Spade said. Suddenly everything seemed to click, and he pointed at her, making her smile.

“I take it you figured it out,” she teased.

“You come into the Road Reapers once in a while, don’t you?” he asked.

“I have been there a few times. I used to go in there all the time before I had to spend a few months in California,” sheadmitted. He shivered at the thought of his time spent in that state. He really never felt as though he fit in while he lived there.

“I take it that you’re not a fan of California,” she said.

“Not really,” he said. “I lived there for a few years back about fifteen years ago. My parents got divorced when I was sixteen, and I moved out there with my dad. When I realized that I just couldn’t take any more of it out there, I decided to move back here and live with my mom. I guess I liked it here since I’m still sticking around.” When he stopped talking, she kind of stared at him and he tried to figure out why. Maybe he was talking too much, or oversharing, but for some reason, he found her easy to talk to. Hell, he didn’t even know her name yet, but here he was telling the poor woman his sad life story.

“Um, sorry, I’ve been told that I talk too much,” he said.

“No, it’s no problem,” she said. “I was just wondering why you are here?”

“Oh yeah,” he said, “you did ask that when I walked in here, didn’t you?” She nodded her head and pasted on her best smile, but he wasn’t sure if it was genuine or not.

“I’m here for a tat from Ink. My name is Spade.” He was hoping that introducing himself might lead to her sharing her name, but when she turned around and walked to the back room again, he was sure that he had blown any chance that he might have with the woman.

“Hey, man,” Ink said. He crossed the room and shook Spade’s hand, pulling him in for one of those awkward side hugs. “I’m sorry, I was feeding Bethany in my office. Charlie needed to run a few errands, and I told her that I’d take the baby for the afternoon.”

“Oh, if you need to reschedule, I’d understand,” Spade said.

“That’s not necessary,” Ink assured. “Cynthia said that she could keep an eye on Bethany for me while I finish up your tattoo. Plus, the baby will probably sleep the entire time you’rehere. She’s a good napper, just like her mom.” Spade noted that her name was Cynthia, and he had to admit that he didn’t peg her as a Cynthia. She had tats up and down her arms, and he was sure that she even had some under her clothes, not that it helped with his unruly dick to think about Cynthia naked.

“So, does she work for you?” Spade asked.