‘I do.’ She glanced across at him again. ‘And he definitely hates me.’
‘Here, pop this on, Pippa. It’s chilly out there.’ Holding out Pippa’s coat for her, Teresa turned to Robyn. ‘I very much doubt that, too.’
Robyn shrugged. She knew all too well his feelings towards her. He’d made them perfectly clear after all.
‘Anyway, enjoy your evening and I’ll see you in the morning.’ Teresa shooed Pippa in front of her as she waved at Robyn.
‘Yep, see you. Have a good evening.’ Robyn waved to Pippa. ‘And super singing, Pippa.’
‘Thanks!’ Grinning, Pippa turned around and danced her way to the door, the tinsel in her hair becoming loose and swinging behind her.
Robyn held her palms over her cheeks, waiting for the telltale heat to disperse. Why did Teresa say what she had? She didn’t fancy Jasper. She didn’t even like the guy.
‘Evening.’ Jasper nodded at her as he helped one of the residents out of the lounge and into the dining room.
‘Morning.’ Robyn clamped her hand over her mouth as Jasper gave her a quizzical look before walking on. Morning? Thanks, Teresa. Now she was so flustered she didn’t even know what time of the day it was. Spinning on her heels, she followed everyone into the dining room.
Chapter Sixteen
‘Now these cookies are the best I’ve ever tasted.’ With her mouth full, Lizzie held up the cookie she was eating before swallowing. ‘Did you make these?’
‘Oh no!’ Robyn laughed as she glanced around the table. She was sitting with Lizzie and Terrence again along with three other residents, Pam, Paddy and Winnie. And Jasper, who had positioned himself opposite her. ‘You’ll be pleased to know I had absolutely nothing to do with these cookies apart from driving them over here, so you’re perfectly safe to eat them without worrying about food poisoning.’
Terrence chuckled. ‘I’m sure you’re not that bad.’
‘Umm, I won’t try to prove you wrong.’ Robyn grimaced as she looked over at Jasper. Was he smiling? Or was it just a smirk on his face?
‘Anyway, I’ve been thinking, dear.’ Having finished off her cookie, Lizzie wiped her hands on a napkin. ‘Your name, Robyn, now you must be born near Christmas? No?’
‘Er, yes.’ Robyn shifted in her seat, aware that as soon as she’d uttered her next words a barrage of ‘oohs’ and ‘how lovely’s would erupt. ‘Christmas Day actually.’
‘Oh wow, how lovely.’ Lizzie patted Robyn’s hand. ‘What a special day to be born.’
Robyn nodded. She’d heard it all before. There was usually a fifty/fifty split as to whether people thought it would be fantastic to have a birthday on such a special day or if they were horrified that she had to share the limelight so to speak and spend the rest of the year present-less.
‘Funny how such a humbug was born on Christmas day.’ Jasper’s eyes met hers over the table, an upward tug pulling at his lips.
She shrugged. And no surprises that he was the first one to recognise that truth. Picking up the tray she’d leaned against her chair leg after bringing their drinks over, she slid it onto the table and began collecting the empty mugs and glasses. ‘Anyone else for another?’
‘Yes, please, dear.’ Lizzie helped stack the tray.
‘The same as before for everyone?’ After receiving nods of confirmation, Robyn picked up the tray and pushed her chair back. As she walked across the dining room, she watched as Angie and a huddle of staff members tried to get an old stereo to work. The tables had been positioned around the outside of the large room today, leaving a space in the middle for anyone who wanted to dance or sway to the music they were trying to play.
Glancing back towards the table, she frowned as she caught Jasper’s eye again. Why did he keep looking at her? Did she have hot chocolate smeared across her top lip? Or worse, was she dragging a length of toilet paper stuck to the bottom of her trainer? Twisting her neck to check if she was indeed, she let out a small screech as she tripped over her feet and fell to the floor, the tray, mugs, and glasses falling around her. Landing in a heap on the floor, she gulped as she eyed the surrounding mess, a mug with a broken handle, a saucer split in two and a glass which had shattered into a million pieces.
‘Robyn, are you okay?’
Looking up, Robyn realised that she’d drawn quite the crowd as a group of residents and staff headed towards her. She felt a rush of embarrassment flush across her skin, and she plastered a fake smile on her face. ‘Silly me, two left feet as usual. I’ll get this cleared up in no time.’
‘I’ll help you.’ Jasper’s voice cut through the concerned chatter, his voice strong and assertive.
Jerking her head up, she watched as the crowd parted and Jasper walked towards her, holding his hand out towards her. Biting down on her bottom lip, she took his hand, his grip firm as he pulled her to her feet. Taking her hand back as soon as she was standing, she wiped her hands down the front of her jeans, grateful to see the gathered crowd meandering back to their tables. ‘Thank you.’
‘No problem. Let’s get this cleared up.’ He leaned down and picked up the broken mug.
‘Don’t.’ She jutted out her chin. She didn’t need to be rescued. Not by him. ‘I made the mess. I’ll clean up.’
‘I really don’t mind.’ Jasper shrugged.