‘I’m perfectly capable.’ Holding out her hand, she waited until he’d reluctantly passed her the broken crockery before dipping to her knees and beginning to pick up the glass which had somehow survived the fall. She’d have to sweep up the one which hadn’t.

‘Careful.’ Kneeling beside her, he grabbed her hand just as she was about to slice it open on a jagged piece of glass.

‘Oh, I didn’t see it was broken.’ She looked down at her hand in his as their eyes met. Slowly pulling her hand away, she frowned. ‘I’m sorry about making fun of your Christmas jumpers. I didn’t know your grandmother had knitted them. If I’d known, I never would have... I like them. I really do.’

He looked at her, his eyes guarded.

‘I love the detail, the little stars and the way the clouds almost seep into the sky like they’re real. I love the way...’ She shook her head. She wasn’t getting through to him. Rocking back on her knees, she sighed. ‘I don’t like Christmas, that’s all. It has nothing to do with your jumpers. They could be the height offashion and bought from Selfridges itself and I would have still commented on them.’

This got a reaction, at least. A smile at that. ‘I kind of gathered that.’

‘You did? Then why did you make me say all of that?’ She waved her arms about.

‘Well, I...’ Jasper frowned, a deep crease forming between his eyes. ‘Can I ask why? What have you got against Christmas? It’s your birthday too, so surely it should be a double celebration?’

Robyn sighed. How was she supposed to answer that? She looked down at the broken shards of glass and crockery lying around them before glancing towards the stereo as it boomed to life, blaring out a classic festive tune. ‘We should probably get this cleared up before anybody gets hurt.’

Jasper nodded, his expression unreadable again. ‘Good idea.’

Chapter Seventeen

‘Oh, your favourite, Lizzie, love.’ Terrence nodded towards the stereo at the front of the room and stood up, holding his hand out towards his wife. ‘Shall we?’

Holding her hand against her chest, Lizzie looked up at him. ‘What? Dance? We can’t dance!’

‘Why not?’ Terrence held his hands together, pleading Lizzie to stand.

‘Nope, nope, nope.’ Lizzie shook her head violently and looked pointedly at the empty floor. ‘I’m not being the only couple dancing.’

‘Then don’t be.’ Terrence shrugged and nodded towards Jasper. ‘Jasper will ask Robyn, won’t you, lad?’

With his coffee mug halfway to his lips, Jasper paused, his eyebrows raising.

‘Go on, lad. Ask her.’ Terrence jabbed his finger in Robyn’s direction.

‘Oh, I don’t think he wants...’ Leaning her elbows on the table, Robyn cradled her hot coffee mug in her hands.

‘Course he does. Go on, Jasper. We know you can dance; you and your nan were always the first ones up there, whatever the excuse.’ Terrence jabbed his thumb towards the stereo. ‘It is Christmas, after all.’

Sighing dramatically, Jasper stood up slowly and looked across at Robyn. ‘Shall we?’

‘Umm...’ The last thing she wanted to do was to dance. Especially with Jasper, but as she glanced between Terrence and Lizzie, she couldn’t every well say no. Pushing her chair back,she held her hand out, letting Jasper lead her in the direction of the stereo. Once they were in the empty space reserved for dancing, Robyn stood awkwardly, clasping her hands in front of her. She could feel the eyes of everyone in the room on them. She should have made an excuse, told him she needed to use the ladies’ room or that she’d twisted her ankle. Anything.

‘Ready?’ Jasper held his arms out, ready for her to step closer.

She shrugged. ‘I don’t know how to dance.’

The flicker of a smile flashed across his face. ‘It’s a good job I do then. May I?’

Nodding, Robyn took a small step towards him and paused as he placed one hand on her hip and then took one of her hands in his other one. As he closed his fingers around her, she held her breath. He was going to dance-dance, like properly dance, not just sashay around the dance floor as though they were at some bar or club, their shoes sticking on gummy carpet. She followed his lead, trying to copy his moves. Standing on his foot, she grimaced. ‘Sorry.’

‘Hey, Robyn. Keep your eyes on mine.’ Pausing for a split second, he crooked his finger beneath her chin, lifting it until she no longer had her eyes glued to their feet and instead was meeting his gaze. ‘That’s it. Just keep your eyes on mine.’

Her breath caught in her throat as she focused on his eyes, his irises were a deep brown, flecks of gold surrounding his dark pupils. She could feel his hand, warm, on the small of her back now. And he could dance! As he led her across the floor, she did as he’d instructed and kept her eyes focused on his, instead trusting her feet to follow his direction. As she stepped back from one of the twists, she lost her footing and instead of slowing as he pulled her back towards him, she slammed straight into him, placing her hands against his chest to stop herself from falling.

‘Oops.’ Instead of pushing her away, Jasper clung to her, steadying her.

‘Sorry, I...’ Blinking, she swallowed. He was right there, his face merely a few centimetres from hers. Shaking herself, she inched backwards, forcing a laugh. ‘I did warn you I couldn’t dance.’