Page 67 of Depraved Desires

I checked my phone for the directions Hunter was supposed to send and then put them in my maps, allowing the automated voice to guide me as I navigated the road once more.

My mind raced as I drove, reminding me of the shitstorm my life has become. Before the purple-haired bitch stumbled into our lives, I was enjoying the academy. Torturing her had been fun until it went too far, and that seemed to tear our group apart for a while. Collin had been devastated and truth be told, we were all battling with it in some way or another. Now that she was back, everything revolved around heragain. Someone constantly needed to babysit her, Myles was back on his obsessive bullshit, and Collin was all love-struck. The only normal ones were me and Hunter.

My hands tightened around the steering wheel as I took a left, driving down a secluded road with nothing but trees and cement. The fact that she even had to go with us annoyed the fuck out of me, but I wasn’t put-out enough by it to stay back on campus.

Finally, I made it to the cabin. Nothing but trees surrounded the area, making it the perfect spot to party and be unbothered.Not that there was anyone to bother us all the way out here anyways. By looking at it, it just looked like a simple two-story cabin, but I’ve been inside of it and the exterior has nothing on the inside.

Pulling up behind Myles’ motorcycle, I turned the car off and gently nudged Collin who barely even stirred.

“Come on,” I said, shaking him again. “We’re here.”

His eyes fluttered open, confusion twisting his features for a moment until the fog in his head disintegrated. Carefully, he sat up, groaning in pain as he did, and peered through the windshield. His hands worked through his light, brown hair as he attempted to smooth it out.

“I slept the entire way?” he rasped, the sleep still clinging to his voice.

“Yep.” I propped open my door after snatching the keys and climbed out, rounding the vehicle until I was on his side. I opened the door and offered him a hand.

Reluctantly, his palm slid against mine and he allowed me to lead him out of the truck. One arm was wound around his ribs as his feet hit the ground and a wince rippled across his face from the pain. Maybe we should have waited to do this until he was in a better condition, but it was a last minute plan.

“Do you need help inside?” I pressed, drawing my lips into a tight line as he trudged toward the building.


Stubborn asshole. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. “Send one of the guys out to help with these damn groceries.”

He grunted in response. I moved to the backseat and started grabbing bags until I physically couldn’t hold any more, and then I made my way into the cabin. The lights were already on, and Aspen was seated, naked once again, on the brown, leather sofa. Her arms were folded over her chest, and I could tell by her expression that she was pissed.

Making my way into the kitchen, I sat the bags on the floor and started rummaging through them. I put everything away in their designated places. Just as I was finishing up with this load, Hunter and Myles entered, carrying bags of their own.

“This is it,” Hunter said, placing them on the wooden floor.

While they got to work putting up the rest of the groceries, I scooped up all the empty bags and tossed them beneath the sink. You never knew when they would come in handy. Hell, maybe I’d use one to suffocate Aspen if the urge arose.

When I went back into the living area, Collin was already seated beside Aspen, making sure to keep at least a foot of space between them. I flopped down into the armchair that was positioned toward them on the opposite side of the coffee table and crossed one leg over the other.

“I need clothes,” Aspen snapped, her gaze directed at me. “Do you really want my ass sweat all over the leather?”

“If it were up to me, you’d have clothes,” I shot back. “Take it up with Myles.” The last thing I wanted was her walking around naked. It was fucking with my head. Collin’s too from the looks of it. As hard as he was trying not to look at her, his eyeballs kept straying like she was a damn magnet.

The girl in question released a frustrated huff. “When I get my period, you’ll all be sorry.” She narrowed her eyes at me in warning. “I can’t wait to mess up those pretty sheets of yours.”

Before I could respond, Myles released a dark chuckle as he entered the room. Leaning over the back of the sofa, his breath fanned along her naked shoulder, making her tense.

“I look forward to it,” he taunted with a sadistic glint in his eye.

Crazy motherfucker.

He would enjoy something like that too. When it came to blood, Myles didn’t discriminate. The thought had my lip curlingin disgust. If she was still naked when she got her period, Myles was on strict Aspen duty until that shit was over.

Hunter entered the room moments later, handing each of us a cold beer. I took mine gratefully and popped the cap off before taking a long drink, reveling in the bitter taste.

“We’ll get into the harder shit after dinner.” He smirked, plopping down between Collin and Aspen, not being as opposed to her nakedness as me and Collin were.

“You assholes took all the seats,” Myles grumbled, rounding the couch. I watched with interest as he pulled Aspen from her spot and stole it making her stomp like a child. It would have been funny if it didn’t make her ass bounce from the action, drawing my gaze right to it. Myles released a laugh and pulled her down onto his lap which made her tense.

When she finally accepted defeat, she leaned back into him and took a long drink of her beer. His hand was wrapped around her waist, his fingertips gently brushing along her thigh while he used his other hand to hold his beverage.

This was going to be a long fucking weekend.