Page 116 of Depraved Desires

It must have shown on my face, because his grip loosened slightly, and he was looking at me as if seeing me for the first time.

“You likethis, don’t you?” he asked.

I shook my head, but my sore vagina was pulsing tauntingly. My body was calling me a liar, and it annoyed me to no end.

Foster wanted me to stay away from Rocky. Collin seemed to want me to himself. And Rocky, wanted me to stay away from Foster—hell, maybe all of the guys were included in that. Maybe I just needed to steer clear of all of them. It would sure as hell make my life that much simpler.

“You’re lying,” he accused. “It gives you a rush. Knowing your life is in someone else’s hands. Knowing that I could easily tighten my grip around your dainty little neck and steal your oxygen.”

“Let go of me,” I growled, hating how fucking right he was.

Excitement flashed within his eyes. “You don’t want me to do that, either.” He smirked. “It’s written all over your face.”

I slapped his hands away and he released a laugh, not putting up a fight like I’d expected. He was infuriating. They all were. Hell, if they weren’t all on opposite sides of this drug bullshit that felt oddly like a childish gang, then they’d probably even be friends.

“Why do you guys all hate each other anyways?” I asked.

The amusement faded from his face, and he shifted uncomfortably. Clearly, this was a sensitive topic, but I wanted to know. “If I tell you, can you ensure that it’ll remain between us?” he countered. “It’s not really my story to tell.”

Swallowing, I nodded despite the confusion bubbling up inside of me. He released a sigh and then continued. “Dixie and Collin dated,” he explained.

My eyebrows shot into my hairline. “Seriously?”

This time, it was his turn to nod. “Yep. They were both new to the academy at this time. They dated for a little while before he cheated on her. By then, he’d already become friends with the assholes he hangs out with now. As if that wasn’t enough, he started flaunting his latest conquest around where she had to constantly be reminded of it.”

“So, you beating his ass wasn’t just for my benefit?” I smirked.

A smile played around the edges of his mouth, and he shook his head. “No. I’ve been wanting to do that for a while. I expected him to put up more of a fight, though.”

“Okay…” I trailed on. “That explains why you and Collin hate each other, but what about the others?”

“Well, Collin and Dixie broke up shortly after he became friends with Hunter. I’m not sure if they even knew he had a girlfriend since they hadn’t been friends long. But I do believe that Castillo swayed him into cheating on her somehow, maybe unintentionally.”

“I meanmaybe,” I tacked on. “But it was Collin’s decision.”

He sighed and nodded again. “Yeah, that’s true. That’s not the only reason I don’t like him, though,” he explained. “Talissa was going to give me a deal. Basically, what Foster and his bitches do for her now, she was going to do for me. But Hunter and Collin went behind my back and offered her something better. So, she cut me off and chose them. So now, I’m stuck getting product from them directly.”

My head spun with all this new information. “What about Myles and Foster?”

“Myles is a fucking psychopath. He’s amurderer, and his favorite victims are women. It’s morally wrong. It’s fuckingdepraved.” He shook his head, scrunching up his nose in distaste. “And Foster is just an asshole. He’s a sexist little bitch with mommy and daddy issues. They wereallinvolved in what happened to Dory. She killed herself because of Jessica and Madison. She was good friends with Dixie.”

I’d known for a while that Collin had commitment issues, but hecheatedon Dixie. How could I possibly know that he wouldn’t do that to me? He was officially back on my shit list.

My fingers worked through my hair, frustration gnawing at me. How did I get so wrapped up in this? Blowing out a breath, I nodded—more to myself than to him. It seemed like all the guys I was attracted to had girl drama except for Foster and Myles. Rocky was fucking his friend, Hunter was going through a breakup, Collin couldn’t keep his dick to himself no matter what, and Monroe’swifewas still living with him.

This was all one big cluster-fuck.



Rage carried me to my room after third period, since without soccer, fourth period had become a free hour. I was nice to Aspen, felt guilty for my part in what happened to her, andoneincident was enough to hurt her? To cause her not to trust me? I parked my ass in the nearest chair, dropping my head in my hands.

I knew I’d acted impulsively with Payton—knew that Myles was bringing Aspen to Hunter’s room. It didn’t make it okay, even my messed-up head was aware of that. The truth of the matter was, I wanted Aspen. Fuck, I wantedonlyher, which was something I’d never felt about another girl before.

Why do I keep screwing things up pertaining to her?

Why can’t I just let it be and not act irrationally to something that bothers me?