Page 113 of Depraved Desires

I hid my laugh with a cough, amusement warming my chest. That had been satisfying.

“No. Where did you see him at anyways?” Hunter questioned, plucking the sausages off his breakfast pizza and setting them to the side.

Collin pointed behind us, and sure enough, he was already at Aspen’s goddamn table, sliding up beside her in the seat. A nasty gash was imprinted into the side of his face, starting at his temple and trailing down to his cheekbone.

“Is that a hickey?” Myles asked incredulously.

I snapped my head in his direction, everyone’s eyes turning on me for the first time today. It was pretty impossible to hide. The bruise was dark and relatively large.

“So, what if it is?” I shrugged. While my words were calm and collected, a mixture of rage from seeing her with Rocky along with embarrassment burned through me.

Collin’s eyes narrowed, staring me down from across the table. “What’s up with your face?” he continued. “Are those cuts?”

Hunter released a laugh from beside me. “Looks like he has love scratches on his neck too.”

“Will you guys just chill the fuck out?” I growled, hating all the attention. I’d rather subject myself to my soggy ass food than be interrogated like this.

“Not a chance in hell,” Myles replied, amusement laced within his voice. “It’s not everyday the virgin loses his virginity.”

I shouldn’t have come here this morning. The food was ass anyways, and it felt like my sex life had become their favorite topic.

“How do you know I lost it?” I challenged.

The guys all exchanged looks, all wearing similar expressions. They were enjoying this shit. I knew the conversation was coming from the moment she put her lips and nails on my neck, I knew that there would be marks, and I still didn’t stop her.

“Because you don’t get scratches like that from making out,” Myles retorted. “And from the look of those cuts on your face, it looks like it was a hate-fuck.”

Hunter choked on his drink, his face reddening. He worked hard to swallow it down, but eventually managed. His hand landed against his chest as he worked to calm his breathing. I wasn’t at all amused by his dramatic display.

“Oh my god.” He breathed at last. “You fuckedAspen.”

Anxiety pooled in my stomach due to my nerves getting the better of me. How could I admit that out loud? Did I even want to? Why did them knowing bother me so much when she’s fucked nearly everyone else at this table?

“I’m the one who fucked up Rocky’s face,” I blurted, trying to change the subject.

A sadistic glint worked its way into Myles’s dark, blue eyes. “Yeah, because he was with Aspen. Which you knew about because I told you assholes that I was at the club. You knew when she’d get off and who she’d be with.” He shook his head, a laugh tumbling from his lips. “I’m impressed.”

Collin was tense as he stared at me and then glanced over at Aspen, noting her tired appearance. “Un-fucking-believable,” he growled, the smile long gone from his face.

“What do you care?” I shot back. “You’ve been slumming it with those gutter whores.”

He clenched his teeth, his hand tightening around his bottle of water as he glared at me. “And since when was Aspen Palmer not one of them? At least, in your eyes.” He scoffed.

He was right. What happened last night never should have occurred. It was stupid, impulsive, and reckless. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, not really knowing what to say to that.

Luckily, I didn’t have to because Madison and Paisley chose that moment to join our table. The blonde wasted no time, sliding up beside Collin. Their relationship was so confusing that it annoyed the shit out of me.

I rose, done with the day before it even started.

“Where are you going?” Madison asked incredulously. “The party is this weekend, We have things to discuss.”

Annoyance pulsed through me. Her nasally voice grated on my fucking nerves. “Talk to them about it. I’m out.”

I turned on my heels and started for the door, but not before my gaze met hers again. Despite my erratic heartbeat, I mustered up the courage and sent her a smirk of my own.

Two could play that game.