My eyes burned with exhaustion as I navigated my way through Miss Raleigh’s classroom and dropped down into my seat. The same table, I used to sit with Raven at. My heart dropped into my stomach, and the horrible feeling of shitting on her memory ate away at me. Myles killed her and I’d been a horny little slut, spreading my legs wide open for him when I’d felt an ounce of desire for the asshole. They were screwing with my head badly, and I needed to stay the hell away from them.
Miss Raleigh made her way to the front of the room, droning on and on about a lecture I didn’t even comprehend. This was only my second day back, and she didn’t care enough to bring me up to speed. To make matters worse, yesterday she mentioned there being a test on Wednesday—which just so happened to be tomorrow.
Sighing, I glanced around the classroom as her voice faded into the background. My gaze clashed with Collin’s instantly, as if he’d been staring at me for a while. The hard set of his jaw was a good indicator that he was still pissed at me.
I didn’t fucking care, though. He never asked me to be exclusive with him. We hooked uponce, and all of the sudden he had some weird claim on me? Screw that. If anyone should have gotten my body out of the four of them, it should have been Myles. At least, by their logic.
As soon as Miss Raleigh turned her back to head back to her desk, I raised my finger, flipping him the bird. Instantly, his eyes narrowed. But what I hadn’t expected was for him to stand up in the middle of class, his gaze never straying from mine.
My heart rate skyrocketed. He was ballsier than I thought.
I half expected our teacher to get on his ass and tell him to sit the hell down, but she barely spared him a glance before returning to whatever the hell it was, she was doing.
His friends looked at him like he’d grown a second head, and hell, that was probably similar to my expression right now, too.
He stalked over to my desk, which wasn’t a far walk for him, and dropped down into the seat opposite me. He leaned forward, rage radiating from him, making the hair on the back of my neck rise.
“You think you’re cute, don’t you?” he demanded in a low voice.
I shrugged, nonchalantly, not wanting him to see how much he affected me. Collin was so cold and hot that it was impossible to know which version of him I’d be getting. “I like to think I’m fairly attractive.” I smirked.
“Being a bitch only gets you so far,” he continued.
I snorted in response. “What the hell do you want?”
His next words shocked me to my core, and admittedly, my heart even palpitated. “You.” As much as that single word pleased me, he really fucking hurt me. If he’d wanted to be exclusive before, all he had to do was ask and I might have considered it.
“What do Madison and Payton think of that?” I countered. Rage simmered beneath my skin at the mere thought of those two bitches.
“I lied about screwing Madison,” he said sheepishly. “Payton was out of…spite.”
Lifting my chin, I glared at him. Did he really think that would work on me? “Well, was it worth it?” I asked, arching an eyebrow.
A look of confusion crossed his features. “Was what worth it?” he countered, sounding genuinely confused.
“You played with my heart. I liked you, and you hurt me. I’m not just going to get over that.” Being vulnerable didn’t come easy to me. In fact, it was rather painful. But if I expected honesty from him, then I needed to be willing to express myself, too. “And don’t lie to me, Collin. I saw the hickeys on your neck when you came back from your little talk with Madison.”
His lips parted in shock, clearly surprised by my admission. “Look, Aspen…I’m sorry?—”
“You know,” I cut him off. “That word is starting to lose its meaning. Show me or go fuck yourself. I’m done playing games. And I willnotbe your Madison fill-in, do you hear me?”
Resigned, he leaned back in his seat and let out a sigh before nodding defeatedly. Good. At least we had that cleared up now.
“Just for the record,” he began again. “I didn’t fuck Madison. I left before it got that far.”
After classes ended for the day, I made my way to Monroe’s. My head was spinning with everything that had occurred last night.Hell, it was hard not to think about. Foster was easily the biggest guy I’d ever taken. Lengthy, but not too thick. He had been so damn perfect. My pussy fluttered at the simple reminder. My feelings pertaining to him were complicated at best. If I hated him as potently as I thought I did, then why beg him to rescue me from Hunter’s room? Why let him fuck me? Why did my body ignite when he allowed me to touch him?
Why, why, why?
Shaking my head to rid myself of these thoughts, I stepped through the front door. I knew Monroe wasn’t back, yet. He usually stayed after class to get paperwork done so that he didn’t have to bother with it at home unless it was a Friday. He’s been avoiding me since he woke up in bed with me. It was safe to say that he remembered what he did in his drunken state and that just made everything more awkward.
Unfortunately, Caroline was home. The scent of cookies wafted through the entire house, and I scrunched up my nose. Not because they didn’t smell good—theydid, but because she couldn’t cook worth shit. Not even the simplest of meals. I highly doubted that her baking would be any better.
I picked up my pace, making a beeline for my room, hoping to get there before she could spot me and turn up her nose at my mere presence. She was still a bitch, but she hadn’t been as bad since she moved back in.
Slipping through my bedroom door, I closed it and dropped my bag on the floor near my closet. Life seemed too easy right now. If you discounted my warring emotions anyways. Things were starting to feel normal. I was struggling in school after missing so many days, Talissa was letting me work again, and Gia had welcomed me back into the fold with open arms. Even the mean girls hadn’t bothered me much. Then again, I’ve only been back for two days and haven’t really crossed paths with them. I couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was goingto happen, and for once, these impending feelings had nothing to do with the boys who had tormented me relentlessly since I arrived here.