Addie shook her head. “I’m sure it does, but I was drawn to you before I even knew your name. I saw you at the warehouse fire, and I just wanted to walk up and wrap my arms around you. When I thought you were the arsonist, it really messed with myhead, because how could I be drawn so strongly to a guy that could do something like that?”
He shook his head, smiling, as she continued.
“I love you, Severn, no matter what you say. I’ll give you time if you need it, but it’s not going to change anything in my heart.”
He quirked his brows at that and cocked his head at her. “Can I talk now?”
Addie felt her cheeks go pink, and she nodded.
“I don’t like the way people look at me. It’s been very hard being public with you this week. But I enjoy being with you. I know I’m here for a job, but I’ve actually enjoyed being in the house with you, and seeing your life. You’re so warm and giving, and at first I didn’t think it could be real, the way you approached people. That wasn’t how I grew up, and I’d never seen someone be so warm and considerate with absolute strangers. So, at first I thought you were treating me like a stranger, warm and open like you are.”
She shook her head, and he held up a hand to forestall her words. “I know now, looking back, that you are different with me. You’ve never looked at me like I was a freak because of my scars.”
She scowled. “Because you’re not.”
He smiled a little crooked. “I appreciate that. More than I can tell you.”
Severn reached up and stroked Addie’s cheek, his eyes filled with a tenderness she had rarely seen from him. “You’ve seen me at my most vulnerable, Addie. You’ve seen the scars that haunt me, both physical and emotional. And yet, you still look at me the same way - with nothing but warmth and acceptance.”
“Love,” she said simply.
He let out a slow, shaky breath. “I’ve never had that before. Everyone else, they see the scars first. The damaged, brokenman. But you...” His thumb traced the curve of her jaw. “You see me. Just Severn.”
Addie covered his rough-skinned hand with hers, holding it against her face. “Of course I do. How could I not? You’re the most incredible man I’ve ever known.” She leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his palm. “I love you, scars and all. And I’m not going anywhere, no matter how hard you might try to push me away.”
Severn pulled her closer, gathering her into his arms. “I don’t deserve you,” he murmured against her hair. “But God help me, I don’t think I can let you go.”
Addie melted into him, relief and joy flooding through her. “Then don’t. Stay with me, Severn. We’ll figure the rest out together.”
He kissed her then, and even though he hadn’t said the words, she could feel the sentiment in the way he touched her. Severn made love to Addie like he was a dying man, and it was his last day on Earth or something. It was humbling, the way he took the time to pet and caress her, and give her joy. And when he cradled her against his chest, when they were done, she felt the love in the air.
Both of theirphones rang at the same time. Severn jerked awake, but he didn’t reach for it. It could go to voicemail. He’d been in a nice, light doze after making love to Addie. Then he remembered what she’d said to him, and this weird wash of feeling rolled through him. She loved him. The beautiful Addie Kingston loved him. She wanted to be with him. And he didn’t think he was man enough to tell her no.
Severn had very rarely ever heard the words ‘I love you’. His mother had told him that a few times. Once when she’d beentipsy on wine, and a second time when he’d almost died in the hospital and they’d come to see him. He thought there had been a time when she’d dropped him off at boarding school, but that one he wasn’t firm on. And Blaze had told him that once, in a brotherly,I love you, man, drunk ramble. The point was, Severn had been told I love you fewer times than he had fingers on one hand.
And now Addie had told him she loved him, not because he’d just saved her life or because she was drunk. She felt that she loved him. And it was a little confusing for him. Yes, he’d seen instances of love around him, but he’d never experienced it himself. The women he slept with were blips on his radar, there for a physical release, and that was it.
Addie was more, though. She was radiant, both inside and out, and he felt like a fucking idiot even thinking those words, but they applied to her so perfectly. Even with bed head and sleepy dirt in her eyes, she was everything to him.
His phone buzzed again. Rolling over, Severn picked it up. There was a text from Detective Johnson.We have problems. Call me as soon as you get this.
“Fuck,” he said.
Addie sat up, pushing her fingers through her hair to straighten it. “What’s wrong?”
“Detective Johnson says they have problems. We need to call.”
Addie went pale, and he hated that fear-filled look on her face.
Severn hit the button to return the call. Johnson answered on the first ring.
“Are you still watching Addie? I can’t get through to her.”
Severn grinned slightly, putting the detective on speaker phone. “She’s here. What’s going on?”
Detective Johnson heaved a sigh. “Addie, I hate to do this, but I need to ask you for a favor.”
“What’s that, Detective?”