Page 59 of Burning Truth

“Russel Dunn is refusing to answer questions. Rodrigo and I went in to interview him, and he wouldn’t say a word. He hasn’t invoked his lawyer privilege, yet, but he refuses to talk. The only thing he said, as we were leaving the room, was that he would like to speak to you, in person, and that we should make it happen soon, before more people die. We asked him to explain, and he clammed up, just tapped his wrist. Would you be willing to speak to him?”

Severn hated the haunted look in her eyes. She’d known that there would be the chance that she’d have to testify later, but he knew she thought she’d been through with the direct contact. Her expression tightened, and she sighed. “Yes. I’ll be in.”

“Thank you. We have a team going through his house now, as well as his office at his place of work, but we’re not finding much. We need to fill in some blanks, and we’re hoping that if he talks to you, he’ll want to brag a little.”

“I get it, Detective,” she said, her voice subdued. “Let me get cleaned up and we’ll be in.”

Severn pressed the screen to hang up, watching as Addie moved to the side of the bed and stood. She’d pulled on a Dire Straits t-shirt at some point, but as she circled the bed, she stripped it off, then dropped her panties as she headed into the bathroom. “Let me grab a quick shower, and we’ll go.”

Severn didn’t like the way she was acting. Pushing off the bed, he crossed to her. “Hey,” he said, and she paused. Moving close, he reached for her hands. They were ice cold. He leaned down to catch her gaze. “Look at me, Addie.”

Her eyes flashed up to his, and he could see the fear in them. And he could see she was struggling to contain that emotion. “You’re okay. You don’t have to do this.”

Addie shook her head. “We’re still dancing to his tune, but I refuse to be the reason why he hurts more people. If he wants to talk to me, he can talk to me, and he will see the contempt I feel for him.”

That spark of fire was still there, and Severn smiled. “You know, I’ve not been loved very much in my life, but you inspire this feeling inside me that has to be love. I admire you, and I admire your courage in everything you’ve faced this week. I know it hasn’t been easy.” Her eyes filled with tears, and it gutted him. “But you’ve rallied so many times. You are a courageous woman, and I don’t know why you love me, but I will do my absolute best to love you back and be worthy of your feelings.”

Addie broke into sobs, and Severn pulled her into his arms. He held her tight and they swayed a little in the middle of the tile bathroom. Severn’s eyes burned, like he’d been in a smoky room, but he didn’t let her go.

Addie didn’t linger, though. Pulling away, she swiped her fingers beneath her eyes. “Thank you, Severn. I kind of needed that right now. Let’s get cleaned up and get this over with. I’m so over Russel Dunn, it isn’t even funny.”

Snorting, Severn reached around her and cranked the water in the shower. “I get it. Let’s get this done.”


Addie stared through the one-way glass at the man who had been responsible for so much destruction and lives lost. They were downtown, at Central Headquarters, in the detective bureau. It was a hectic, massive place, and she’d been here before for a segment, but the energy seemed very different today. Tense. Johnson seemed to see her hesitation. “We all know we have a monster nearby.”

Addie nodded and followed her through a maze of incredibly dull hallways, until she stepped into a dim room. There were a few chairs, but it was obviously a viewing area. Johnson paused in front of a large window. “He can’t see you in here.”

Addie took a breath and stopped beside her, looking at the man who had been stalking her. Russell Dunn was not a big man. Spare and lean, with thinning brown hair, he looked like an insurance salesman. He wore a pale blue dress shirt and khakis, and loafers. She had a feeling he had money in the bank and a retirement portfolio.

“Not exactly what you think of when you think of an arsonist or murderer,” she murmured. “Although I do see stalker,” she said with a soft snort.

There was a caginess to his expression that Addie didn’t like, like he knew what the inside joke was to life. He seemed very calm, like if she didn’t show up, he was okay with taking more lives. Had the killing bothered him at all?

Detective Johnson had given her a copy of the arrest report from the woman he had assaulted months ago, Victoria, and Addie’s heart had ached for what she had gone through. Russell Dunn had a cruel streak, and the protection order she’d had in place hadn’t helped her. Russell had tiptoed around it, according to the subsequent reports she had filed.

“Are you sure you’re up to this?” Detective Johnson’s rich brown eyes were kind as she took Addie in.

“I’m fine,” Addie said firmly, then reached back to tighten her pony tail.

Severn had suggested that she not dress up like she was doing a televised news segment. Russell had an ideal of her in his mind, and he’d certainly criticized her looks enough in his comments. If she varied from that ideal, maybe it would put him off his game. Addie had agreed with that assessment, so she’d scraped her damp hair back into a ponytail, put on the same t-shirt she’d slept in and found a pair of ratty shorts and dirty tennis shoes. Her face was free of makeup, showing the tired bags under her eyes.

Addie looked to Severn, needing his reassurance.

“I’ll be right outside the window. He’s chained to the table, so there’s no way he can touch you. We have Gabbie on the line, so if he brings something up, she’ll be doing real-time research. Don’t be surprised when you hear us in your ear.”

“I’ve got you, Addie,” Gabbie said, her voice coming through clear on the tiny earpiece. It was like what the news anchors used at work, with no external wires to see. Hopefully, Russell wouldn’t even know it was there.

“Don’t make any promises,” Johnson said, “but see if you can figure out what he’s thinking. If he has a bomb planted out there somewhere, the bomb squad is ready to go. They just need a location. Rodrigo is servicing the warrant on his house and office right now.”


“Are you ready?” Severn asked her.

Was she? Did she have a choice if she wasn’t?

Severn must have seen how much this was freaking her out. “If it gets to be too much, just get up and walk out. It’s that easy.”