“What kind of clothes?”
“Work out clothes.”
“You said you needed some,” I reminded her. “Are they that bad?”
“Notbad,” she said nervously. “They’re just not something I would pick out myself.”
“I’m sure they’re fine,” I grinned to myself. She’s adorable.
“I don’t know,” she sounded worried still. “I promised her I’d let you see it first. Then I’m taking it off.”
If her sister gave her the clothes, I don’t know what to expect.
“I’m on my way to you now, so I’ll see you in a few minutes. I’ll check them out then. But, hey. I wanted to ask you something.”
“I got an invitation to a charity thing tomorrow night. Would you want to go? Milton kinda pushed it on me at the last minute, and I wanted to run it by you first.”
“A charity function? Like, one of those table events?”
She sounded familiar with these things. “I think so. He mentioned buying a table.”
“So it’s formal, huh? That should be fun. Yeah, I don’t mind going.”
“Good. I’ll let him know. But there’s one more thing. Your ex might be there.”
Her silence stretched for several long seconds before she muttered a “huh”. She didn’t sound as thrilled now.
“We’re not sitting with him, are we?”
“No, no,” I quickly told her. “Milton wouldn’t have asked me if that was the case. He didn’t even sound too sure he would be there.”
“Well, it should be fine, then. Those events are usually so busy that you don’t talk to the same person twice. I don’t mind if you don’t.”
She’s a fucking angel. I swear. I couldn’t wait to show her off as my woman in front of the people who thought she belonged to another man. Yeah, it might be the equivalent of marking my territory, but I couldn’t help myself. Call me a dog, but this dog wanted the world to know the angel named Feighlynn was mine.
“You’re amazing. You know that, right?”
“I know,” she said cheerfully. “Now hurry and get home, so I can change out of this mess.”
I chuckled. “Yes ma’am. I’ll be there soon, baby.”
She told me to get home so naturally. I couldn’t stop smiling the rest of the way there.
“Look what I can do,” I boasted as I flexed my nonexistent muscles.
Vin smirked, squeezing my arms. “Nice. You got a little swole going. Lifting those smoothies is paying off.”
“I know!” I giggled, biting my lip.
My eyes roamed down Vin’s biceps. They were swollen and hard, on full display in his cut-off shirt. Friday evenings have become my favorite, because I get to see Vin like this. Then I get to feel those delicious muscles throughout the weekend, uninterrupted by my weekly obligations.
Vin reached over, resting his hand on my thigh while giving it a gentle squeeze. His eyes flashed at my exposed legs. Kate gifted me the workout outfit I was now wearing, and I could tell Vin approved.