“Guess she’s not one of those women that thinks you have to wait days before texting a man back.”
“No,” I laughed. “She’s definitely not.”
“She sounds great, man. I’m happy to see you taking an interest in a woman again. I thought your ex had fucked you up for life. What’s your milf’s name?”
I grimaced a little at the mention of my ex, and the term Milton keeps using for Feighlynn. Not that he’s wrong, but he decided on the term when I told him what she looked like. I didn’t. “Lynn.”
“Lynn? A bit old-fashioned.”
“Well, it’s Feighlynn, but I’ve been calling her Lynn since we met, since she shortened my name to Vin.”
“Vin and not Kev?” Milton raised an eyebrow.
I shrugged, feeling a bit smug. “She has a thing for Vin Diesel.”
“Ah, I get it,” he chuckled around a drink from his beer. “You give off that vibe. She must have a thing for hunks like you then.”
I shrugged, not really sure. Her ex looked nothing like me. The man looked like a well-kept city boy with stiff hair and expensive suits. He didn’t even have stubble late at night. I’vebeen worried that I was nothing like her type, but the more I learn about her, the more I can see she never had the chance to have a type. She got married way too young.
“Your mom like her?” Milton asked.
“Mom loves her. She and her kids had been looking after mom for a while before I moved back.” From what I can see, everyone on our street loves her. When we went for a walk last night, at least ten neighbors had her stopping to talk to them, and she was as personable as could be. I would just watch her, becoming more and more captivated by her happy spell of positivity and kindness.
Damn, I really like her. I like her more than I thought possible, having not known her for even a week.
“Good. That goofy smile looks good on you, man. For real.”
“Thanks.” I ran a hand down my face, feeling self-conscious suddenly.
“Feighlynn, huh? That name sounds familiar. Does she work for the city manager’s office or anywhere at city hall?”
“No. She works for a graphic design firm from home.”
“Hmm, I wonder why that name sounds so familiar then. It’s not a very common name.”
I shrugged. “No clue, man. Maybe I said it before and you just didn’t remember.”
“Maybe,” he shrugged before checking his phone. “Ah, I have to get back. We have a meeting with a couple of attorneys over a land acquisition case.”
“Is it okay that you go out for a drink on your lunch break like this?”
Milton waved off my concern. “It’s fine. It’s a done deal. Just signing and putting the city’s seal over the final documents. Two beers with my burger is a regular Monday lunch for me.”
He walked here, so I paid the tab, then walked him out, so he could go on his way. I just ran into him when I got the final utilities in my name at city hall. It was good to catch up in person.
As I was walking back to my car, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I smiled like crazy the second I saw her name on the screen.
Lynn|: I have an idea
Me|: What kind of idea?
Lynn|: For our date!
I chuckled out loud, imagining her upbeat voice as I read that.
Me|: Let me hear it
Lynn|: I would rather it be a surprise!