Page 30 of Succeeding Love

She’s so cute. She wanted it to be a surprise, but she still had to tell me she had an idea.

Me|: I can’t wait!

Lynn|: Me neither. Lol. Be at my house on Friday at 6:30 with your swimsuit.

With my swimsuit? Does that mean she’s going to be in a swimsuit?

Oh, damn, I really can’t wait.



“That’s the last one,” I said to Albert Milton, the assistant city manager. “My client will look over these and let you know by Friday, but we should be good to go.”

“That’s great to hear. My boss has been on our asses for the past year for this plot of land.” He sat back and sighed in relief. “Now we can celebrate. Why don’t you join our office for a drink tonight?”

“Not tonight. Thanks though. I’m going with my daughter to pick out furniture for her room in my new condo.”

“Oh, you got it!” Albert Milton sat straighter in his chair. “What did the ex think? Was she touched?”

I sighed heavily, moving the documents back into my briefcase. “Not exactly.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” he murmured.

“Yeah, me too.” I stood up from my chair, feeling exhausted already. “I’ll be in touch about the contract.”

“Sure, sure. Have fun with your daughter, Nicholas. I hope things turn around with the ex-wife soon.”

I nodded, exiting the meeting room. Damn, I’m glad Arlene didn’t come with me to this meeting. She was supposed to, but another client for a different case came into the office before I left. She had to stay and manage that.

I still haven’t told her I was moving out. I haven’t told her much of anything. Things have been pretty icy between us. This morning in the office was the first time I had seen her since I left Friday night to spend the weekend with my kids. She didn’teven look at me. She walked by my office multiple times, huffing loudly, wearing one of her shorter skirts and leaving her jacket behind. She was waiting for me to break the ice first, but I wasn’t ready for that headache just yet.

If she had been with me when Albert Milton asked about the condo and Feighlynn, she would have lost it on me already.

She knows something is up. She had to. She is a clever woman who does not easily give up. This is going to hurt her pride and make it awkward for some time at the office.

Honestly, I’m not sure if I should say anything until I know I can get Feighlynn back. I have to tell her I’m moving, but I’m thinking I need to keep the reasons to myself and let us fizzle out naturally. Arlene will get bored with me eventually if things stay as they are. She might take the leap and dump me before I have to reveal all my regrets.

I opened my trunk and tossed my suitcase inside, trying not to look at the bags of gifts Preston returned to me. I never got the nerve to see Fay again to give them back. The disappointment I felt from my son was enough to keep me at bay for the weekend. I’m surprised Preston didn’t return home after Friday night, but he stayed. The entire weekend. I was happy to have time with my son, but I knew he just stayed to monitor me. I can’t blame him. He’s just looking out for his mother, and after what I did to her, he doesn’t trust me or understand my regret.

It kills me. It really does. I lost my wife and my son by asking for a divorce. When I asked him to come with me and Jessie to pick out furniture for his room at my new place, he muttered to just get him whatever and said he was going home.

I groaned out loud when I pulled into the parking garage at work. Arlene was standing near the elevators, obviouslywaiting for me. She had her back rim-rod straight and that sour look on her face. The second my car was in park, she started walking in her over-priced heels towards me.

I steeled myself, readying for the inevitable confrontation.

“How was the meeting?” she asked coldly as I closed my driver’s side door.

“It went well. They signed the new terms with a few added clauses. I’ll send them to the client now, and I expect positive feedback.”

She nodded, like she expected that. I could tell she wasn’t here out of concern for the meeting.

I popped my truck, reaching for my briefcase, then nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard her gasp loudly.


I looked around frantically. “What? What happened?”