Our room? Oh, right. I was supposed to be helplessly swooning over him. I quickly recovered andlooked up at Castor with a fake girlish smile I had seen far too many females in my pack don over the years.
“How thoughtful of you, Cas. You’re undeniably handy when it comes to unfastening all the buttons on these bindings.” I reached up and tugged on his collar, releasing one of the hooks on his shirt to expose the skin at the base of his neck and tracing my fingers against his collarbone. “Just as long as I’m able to assist you as well.”
It feltwrongto touch him like this, and I could see Castor sense my hesitation. He grabbed my hand from his neck and turned it around to kiss the back of it gently.
“Leave some things a mystery,” he added, trying to help ease my discomfort. I didn’t dare allow myself to glance in Daxton’s direction.
Seamus scoffed at our interaction as his eyes darted to Daxton. “Your brother, it seems, has attracted the attention of yet another? However, I didn’t know he favored the stench of dirt and grime. Pray tell, what is that other smell coming from her besides Castor’s?”
“Burning cedar and the winds of the sky, obviously. It’s typical of shifters to have an earthy scent mixed with the air of their homeland, or did you forget? Wait… no, my mistake.” Dax laughed darkly. “You haven’t ventured to the mainland since the veil. The queen’s most loyal subject mustn’t risk his well-being for the sake of others,” Dax bit out coldly, looking away from where Castor and I stood together.
“Is there a chill of jealousy in the air?” Seamus stepped toward Daxton and narrowed his eyes with a speculating stare. “From your outburst in the alleyway the other day, I was almost convinced that it wasyoushe would be on the arm of tonight.”
“I’m at our queen’s service, Seamus.” Daxton turned his stone-cold glare toward the Aelius high prince. “You know she commanded me to protect the shifter as my ward and ensure her safe arrival. You bringing forth a tortuous memory that pushed her to the brink of insanity seemed to be doing the opposite. So, I defended my ward, and Castor comforted her in a time of need.”
“How lucky for the second-born prince of Silver Meadows.” Seamus scowled at us with his dark, skeptical eyes.
“Very lucky,” Castor said as he pulled me in closer.
I played along, wrapping my arm around his middle and placing my hand over his chest. The act made my insides cringe because, well, this wasCastor. But it also pained my heart knowing Daxton was standing there watching.
Seamus huffed a laugh. “This follows the trend of shifters and humans alike. They easily fawn over our beauty and forget the teeth that lay behind the cunning smile.”
“I believethatis jealousy, Seamus,” Castor taunted. “Is the queen tiring of you so quickly nowadays that you’re seeking out warmth from another’s bed? From what Dax and Skylar told me… you were moments away from trying to take her maidenhead before I was able to claim it for myself.”
My cheeks flushed as I tilted my chin downward in utter embarrassment. I shifted my feet so I could move closer to Castor while conveniently digging the heel of my boot into his toes. I watched his jaw tighten as his gaze bent to meet mine.
Reaching up, I pulled on the base of his neck so his ear was close to my lips and whispered, “Congratulations … you found the line. Don’t cross it again.” I kissed his jaw and caught a glimmer of understanding shine in his eyes. I was fine with playing this ruse, but boasting about taking my virginity was not something I was comfortable with at the moment.
“Careful with how you address me, Castor. I’m ahighprince and the queen’s favorite. You’ll show me respect.” Seamus pumped a wave of power through the room as he glared at Castor with a deep-seated hatred burning in the darkened depths of his stare.
“Can you please… lead us inside, High Prince Seamus,” Idris chimed in, purposely stepping between the males and rubbing her rounded belly. “Some of us need to rest after such travel. I can feel the babe kicking, and I would greatly appreciate the time to recover before tonight.”
Seamus stepped back, and his menace seemed to melt away with the presence of Idris. He acknowledged her with a genuine look of awe and dipped his head to her, which surprised the hell out of me.
“Yes, of course,” Seamus said as he turned on his heels. He led us through a long hallway that opened into a beautiful foyer surrounded by a large grand staircase that divided the two different wings of the palace.
“What was with that sudden change of mood from Seamus?” I whispered to Castor.
“I forget how much you don’t know sometimes, Skylar.” He shook his head and sighed deeply. “High Fae children are, at times, difficult to acquire. It can take couples half a century to conceive, and everyone cherishes them. But a High Fae child born of a mated pair holds a special tier all on its own. They’re precious—highly treasured. The child is typically born with special gifts or powers.”
“I see,” I said as we stopped at the base of the stairs. “Like you, Daxton, and the twins?” Castor nodded his head as we came to a stop.
Idris and Adohan’s twin sons were able to manipulate fire as they could, and I could only assume there were other strengths or abilities they had as well.
Seamus paused on the steps, turned to us once more, and lazily leaned against the golden railing of the grand staircase behind him. He reached up and ran a hand through his tousled blond hair, clearly a fan of the messy, rolling-out-of-bed kind of style. He was cocky, arrogant, and he had an air of unpredictability that kept me on high alert when I was in his presence.
“Your rooms are located on the eastern side of the palace, as I’m sure you remember,” he said to Castor and me. “Daxton and Adohan, you are summoned to Queen Minaeve’s chambers in preparation for tonight’s festivities.”
This time, Castor gripped my hand, and I could see his jaw tighten with concern.
“Queen Minaeve,” Daxton said, but Seamus silenced him with an upturned hand.
“She commands the presence of all the high princes of the Inner Kingdom. We will accompany her this evening like always. She insists we present a united front before those in attendance here at court tonight, in preparation for the first trial tomorrow.”
No. I forced a blank expression, but on the inside, I was screaming.No, no, not Dax. Not Adohan.What was the queen intending to do with them? I shuddered, imagining the sick, twisted games she could play with the help of Seamus’s magic.
Glancing toward Adohan, I saw he couldn’t hide his dismay, nor could Idris. There was nothing they could do. He could not refuse their queen.