Idris whistled to our mounts, and the pegasi flew off into the hills. “They’ll return with the same tune. If you need your pegasus, they will come on that call.”
“Good to know,” I said.
I saw a grimace of concern flash across Idris’s face as Adohan, her mate, stepped to her side. Helooped his arm in hers and affectionately grasped her hands, kissing her before guiding her to stand at Daxton’s left. I recalled Adohan’s promise to Seamus to offer the queen his power, which made my stomach churn. They couldn’t deny her this offering, and every ounce of my being hated Minaeve for what she was forcing them to do.
“Focus, Skylar,” Castor whispered in a warning as he looped his other arm around my waist. “I won’t bite … unless you ask, of course.”
I rolled my eyes as he smiled and winked at me playfully, trying to play his role.
“Does that usually work in your favor?” I asked, moving to stand closer to him, adding to the appearance of the closeness. Our proximity made my skin crawl, but I swallowed my unease and plastered on a brave face. I knew what Daxton was being forced to do, so I could at least manage this.
“Typically, I don’t have to workthishard to charm a female,” Castor said, his gaze never wavering from mine.
“What exactly do you do then?” I asked. “A simple bat of your chocolate eyes at someone from across the room… and they’re helpless? Falling head over heels into your lap and then your bed?”
“Well, not always my bed. Other areas suffice when one is not readily available.” Castor grinned, flashing his elongated canines. “Then, I bite.”
“Gods help us all, Cas.” I flattened a palm to my forehead, trying to conceal my slight embarrassment at his unfiltered descriptions of his sexual conquests.
“You’ll see, eventually,” he said. “Most certainly not with you,” I whispered. “I do value my head attached to my body, Skylar. I’m not an idiot. Evenimagining you as a possibility would not end well for me.”
I raised my brow with a smirk, biting my lips to conceal my amusement. He was referring to Daxton, and it made my heart flutter with excitement. There was no official claim Dax or I had to one another, but knowing that Castor would never follow through with his vividly animated suggestions made me grin with satisfaction.
“Let’s move,” Daxton ordered in a cold, flat command. It caught me off guard at first, but I had to remember that this was not the same person I had come to know. Silver Shadow was here with us… a hard, cunning, calculating warrior who would cut you down faster than you could blink. A deadly weapon of the High Fae queen that would eradicate his enemies without a moment’s hesitation.
My heart raced as I watched Daxton march forward with his strong shoulders squared and his head held high. His hair was neatly pulled back, highlighting his square jawline and ebony-trimmed beard that framed his formidable, rugged features. He was the definition of a warrior prince. There was no doubting his role or place in this world in anyone’s mind when they laid their eyes on him. And somehow, I had become someone he wasveryfond of. Memories of the other night flashed through me, causing me to sigh and my knees to weaken.Gods above help me. This male would be my undoing.
“Remember that I’m the one you’re supposed to be fawning over, Skylar, love,” Castor whispered so only I could hear him. I blinked and refocused on Castor, crimson flushing my cheeks. “Focus on small aspects of the truth when you’re speaking to others within the Aelius court. Use that wild imagination of yours and play the part ofmycompanion. It’s not just you that couldfeel the wrath of the queen’s jealousy if she knew about your other activities … especially last night’s.”
I nodded. “Sorry, it won’t happen again. I understand what’s at stake.”
“Good. I doubt you see the entire tapestry we’re weaving, but I believe you know enough to get the picture.”
I gritted my teeth and bit my lip as I shook off Castor’s remark. I had to focus and buy into this ruse if we would survive an audience with the queen. It wasn’t a guarantee she would harm me, but then again, I wasn’t willing to test it if Daxton was cautious. Besides, whatever this was between us, I needed to push it aside for now. I needed to focus on my mission and why I was here.
The trials.
This was the seed of truth I needed to cling to while visiting the Court of Aelius and in the presence of Minaeve.
As the gates opened, Castor’s eyes darted to the figure on the other side. “Shields up, love.” He gently kissed my cheek before interlocking my hand with his and guiding us forward across the bridge.
I allowed myself a quick glance ahead at Daxton. Pure hatred flowed from his stare as Seamus simply stood at the entrance with a wide grin of satisfaction. I knew Seamus would be here, but it was still jarring to see him again. I was able to construct a basic shield to mask the scent of fear I knew I was emitting, but I didn’t think it was enough to stop his magic from invading my mind if he touched me.
“So far so good,” Castor said to me. “Now keep going.”
As we walked together, each step seemed like a hundred. “Easier said than done,” I whispered.
As we crossed through the gate, I realized that it was constructed entirely out of iron. My magic seemed to buzz inside my head as we entered the palace, and it made me wonder what else was lurking below this fortress.
“I’m pleased you’ve arrived safely,” High Prince Seamus greeted us with a melodramatic bow, casting his arms out wide in a ridiculous sweeping motion.
As we entered the palace, I was taken aback by the ornate, elaborate decor surrounding us. Dramatic fae lighting and vibrant colors created illusory effects within the architectural features of the palace to make it seem like we were in another world entirely. Above our heads were ceiling frescoes depicting different floral designs that were all connected by entangling black vines. The vines themselves twisted into spiraling patterns with thorns protruding outward along the curves that gave the plant a deadly front. The feeling of unease spread through my limbs as I continued to stare upward at the paintings. My animal surged to the surface, comforting me as best she could, letting me know I was not alone.
“Please, follow me.” Seamus’s eyes snapped toward me with a far too interested glimmer, causing me to grip Castor’s hand tighter.
“Easy,” Castor warned me in a hushed murmur. “Follow my lead.” He drew the attention of anyone in earshot of us and loudly announced, “Don’t worry. We shall retire to our room together soon enough. I am more than willing to assist you in changingout of… and into your new attire for the ball.”