Cora plucked at the fabric with her fingertips. "This old thing?"
He shook his head when he could read NAVY printed in big block letters across her chest. "Yes! That old... that's my shirt."
"I like it. And my clothes that I'm taking are in the wash."
He shook his head. "Honey, you've got more of your own clothes."
"But I like your clothes better."
"Well, what am I going to wear if you're wearing my clothes?"
Leaning over the balcony, she gave him a mischievous look and 'whispered' down to him. "Then come and take it back, boyfriend."
She disappeared out of sight, and he heard the sliding glass door click closed.
Shaking his head, he decided that he'd just have to wait to clean out the trunk in the morning. He closed the back and grinned to himself.
"Well, girlfriend." he chuckled to himself, "I'm going to have to go and get my clothes back."
Locking the car with the key fob, he darted inside the building and pocketed his key chain.
He had plans for his 'girlfriend' while they were in Hawaii for the next week.
Plans that included the ring that he'd packed into his carry-on bag.
He'd already called Cameron to let him know.
Not to ask him, he wasn't going to chance that her brother would say no since he was the closest thing she had to a dad in the world.
He'd also mentioned his plans to Kawehi and Maile who were planning on getting her all dressed up for the romantic dinner he'd booked at La Mer in Waikiki. Kawehi had sent him pictures from her anniversary dinner with Pallas and he agreed it looked like the most amazing view of Waikiki and Diamond Head that he'd ever seen. The prices were... extraordinary, but he was only planning to propose once, and Cora deserved the best.
When the doorto their apartment opened, Cora could barely hide her smile.
She knew that she was playing with fire wearing his Navy shirt.
Of course, she could have left it alone, but she was hoping that he'd leave it at home in Chicago.
He'd mentioned wearing it in Hawaii and she was determined that he wasn't going to.
After all, her brother had cooled it with the Navy jokes for the last few months, but she could tell that Cameron was on the verge of letting loose with a tirade about that branch of the military. He'd been holding back on the phone when they'd talked over the last few weeks.
Well, not exactly the phone, but FaceTime.
She'd seen him more in the last year than she had in the few years before, given that he always seemed to be there when she chatted with Maile over the video connection.
He hadn't exactly said so, but she had the feeling that he and Maile were... closer lately.
How much closer, she didn't know.
Smiling to herself, she wondered if Cameron even knew what was going on.
Cora yelped when two strong arms wrapped around her body and lifted her up from the floor.
"Vince! Babe! Put me down!"
As much as she struggled, she couldn't get Vince to let her go until he'd all but tossed her onto their bed.