"So, when are you going to bring her home with you?"

"Mom!" He laughed out loud and hung his head. "We're not ready for that yet."

"But you went to Hawaii with her!"

"I went because there was an empty seat on the flight."

"Really now," she sighed, "you might say that to anyone else. And they might believe you, but not me."

Oh, boy.

"I can see straight through you, son."

"Mom, I'm not transparent."

"No, but I'myourparent and I know you."

"Okay, Mom."

"Vincent Albert Lazar! Don't you take that tone with me! I want to meet her."

"Mom, I love you."


"We haven't even had one official date yet. I just survived meeting her brother who is as big as a yeti and is a Marine."

"Oh, my."

He heard her concern clearly through the phone. "That's right. And, I have to be at work in," he glanced at the clock again, "a few hours. But... I promise, Mom. I'll come for a visit as soon as I can."

"And Cora?"


"Okay, okay..."

She sighed and he felt the full weight of the sound.

"Get some rest, Vinnie. I love you."

He grinned. "I love you, too."


Just shy ofa year later-


Vince looked up from the car to the balcony of their apartment. "Yeah?"

"Do you really need to put the bags in the car tonight?"

He shook his head. "But I do need to take the stuff out of the car so we can put the bags in tomorrow. I'll be up in a few minutes."

She leaned over the balcony, and he caught a glimpse of what she was wearing.

"Is that my shirt?"