Page 1 of Sebastian.



It’s been only halfan hour since Mom left to speak with Sebastian, but the lack of updates is turning me into a nervous wreck. She should be arriving and confronting Sebastian any minute now. My mind goes into overdrive, and I can’t help but wonder if I should have gone with her, even if I’d have just stayed in the car. What if my presence would have been the deciding factor between him coming to the wedding or not?

It's easy for my thoughts to spiral, but I can't let that happen today. It’s Andries’s wedding, after all. It’s not in any way my son’s fault that this is happening, and I want to be there for him, especially with his father refusing to attend.

I mean, if I'm being honest with myself, it might be partly Andries's fault, but he didn’t do it maliciously. He just happened to fall for the one woman that would make his father furious.

Everyone—except my mother—seems to forget that Sebastian isn't just Andries's father. He’s my husband too, and the vows we made to each other should be standing strong right now. Instead, he’s being enormously stubborn and is focused more on his pride and family legacy than the feelings of his son and wife.

I miss Seb, even if he made me angry enough to move out and stay with Mom. I miss him terribly. I’ve envisioned this day, this moment, countless times. In every fantasy, Sebastian was at my side for the wedding of our oldest child. Not having him here is tearing me apart.

Shaking my head to dispel my thoughts, I stand from where I’m sitting on the edge of my bed and smooth down my clothes, tilting my head to the ceiling. I have to get over this, for Andries if nothing else. I also have to have faith that my mother will be able to deliver my message and convince my husband to attend. Forcing his hand is not my idea of a romantic, warm family reunion, but at this point, what else can I possibly do?

Seb has his demons, things that he wants to hide from the world at all costs, and if I have to use those things to manipulate him, so be it. Anything for my children. Anything.

The clock chimes, prompting a sigh from me. It’s time for breakfast, and it being a planned event for today, I can’t miss it to hide away in the room. If I’m making all these sacrifices for my son, then I’m not going to do anything in half measures.

So after a few minutes, I leave my room and find myself in the grand formal dining room. This room is reserved for important events only, and Andries’s wedding certainly qualifies. It’s adorned with exquisite chandeliers cascading from the high, intricately designed ceiling, and the morning sunlight pours through large, opulent windows, casting a warm glow upon the elegant breakfast table that stretches the length of the room. Even today's breakfast feels special, with the table adorned with crisp, ivory tablecloths and delicate lace runners, elevating the usually casual meal.

At the center of it all, a magnificent floral arrangement stands tall, boasting an array of vibrant blooms that perfume the air with their sweet scent and combine with the savory smell of the food. The colors perfectly complement the wedding's theme, and again I’m impressed at how quickly my mother and her team have managed to put together a wedding that looks like it should have taken years to plan. She’s had decades to perfect her craft as a woman of society, but it still takes me off guard just how well executed this rather rushed event is.

Polished silverware gleams, meticulously arranged on either side of fine china plates adorned with intricate gold patterns. Glistening crystal glasses are currently being filled with the finest champagnes and sparkling juices, quickly swept up by the breakfast guests and raised to their lips. We’re all going to need some champagne to start this morning, I think, so I waste no time taking my own seat and helping myself to a freshly poured mimosa.

Seated at the head of the table, the radiant groom and bride are completely engrossed in each other. Roxanne isn’t the match I’d have chosen for my son, but he takes after Seb and I in the regard that his choice of partner isn’t exactly fitting in the eyes of society. We had it rough too, at first, but never anything like what Andries and Roxanne have faced. Still, I’m putting aside my feelings on the pairing once again and fake a smile when my son looks in my direction. At least he seems happy. That’s all that matters, right now at least.

Roxanne’s family is seated to one side, nearest to the bride, and my family is more spread out around the table. At Andries’s elbow is Dan, and next to him, Elise. My sweet daughter looks happy too, leaning on Dan and appearing more relaxed than she has in weeks now that she’s admitted to both herself and the world that she loves him. Alex and his wife, Petra, arms full with their twins, are further down the table, but when Alex spots me, he excuses himself and heads over to sit next to me.

“Don’t feel obligated to keep me company,” I tell him as he slides into the chair to my right. “It looks like your wife has her hands full.”

“She’s a professional at this point.” He laughs, and I roll my eyes. Petra annoys me with her mere existence, but considering my son is marrying a former escort today, I will be a little less sour about my brother’s very young wife. One family scandal at a time is about all I can handle these days, and Petra is old news next to Sebastian being gone and Roxie’s former choice of employment.

God, is it too early to switch to whiskey? I don’t know if plain champagne and orange juice is going to cut it today. I’ve only got a few hours till the ceremony, and it sounds better and better by the minute to just be drunk the entire time.

“Jules, you know I love you, right?” Alex asks, and before I can say anything, he adds, “Because you look a little rough––and I say that out of love.”

I huff a sad laugh. “Yeah, well, I’m sure you can guess the reason.”

Alex bumps me with his shoulder. “Do you want me to go and drag Sebastian’s ass here? Orgentlyconvince him. Whichever you prefer.”

Amusement cracks through the veil of my sorrow, but only a little. “That’s okay, Alex. Mom already went.”

My brother’s eyes go wide, and he reaches for a glass of champagne, same as me. He tilts the glass back, drinking most of it in one go before responding. “That’s...certainly something I didn’t expect.”

He isn’t wrong, but in my heart I’m glad that it’s Mom that went. There’s no reason to waste time with half measures like sending Alex or even Elise. My mother is the nuclear option, but Sebastian is acting in such a ridiculous way that he’s left me little choice. We don’t have time for anything less.

I shrug a shoulder at Alex’s comment, picking at the pastry and fruit that I’ve piled onto my plate during the discussion. I’m not hungry, but I need something to soak up some of the alcohol. “I think at this point Mom has finally accepted that Seb is here to stay, and you know how she is. Anything for us.”

Alex’s eyes drift to his wife. “Finally accepted, huh? Think she’s going to take decades to get over Petra too?”

“I don’t have an answer for you, Alex. Maybe she’s softened a little with time, but I doubt it.”

Alex crosses his arms and leans back in his chair. “Well, let’s hope that she’s still got enough of an edge to convince your husband at least. Be honest with me, do you really think that you’ll be able to get him to attend the wedding? When I spoke to him last he was adamant that it wasn’t going to happen.”

I think about the message that I sent with my mother, and how intense it is. “I think so, yeah. I haven’t given him much of a choice.”

My brother raises an eyebrow, looking unconvinced. “Okay, well, I guess you know him better than anyone else. I hope he does, for your and Andries’s sakes, at least.”