And Bridget was a vault who wouldn’t give me up since they would be located for her niece if they existed—and still remained for sale.
Then Carrington ran off to go help Gams in the kitchen while Penn and my father blamed each other for smoking. Wisely, I didn’t touch the pack jammed in my jacket pocket in case I was accused, as well. I hadn’t even gotten to have more than one in the last few days.
I’d much rather spend my spare moments sneaking naked time with Bridget rather than taking puffs on secret smokes.
Though now that I’d thought about the possible need for a sex chat with my kid, I couldn’t shake the idea. Not that I wanted to have it. Just was I overdue? I was starting to wonder.
The idea of her needing vital information to make up her own mind that we hadn’t provided was horrifying. But at that age, what kid would go to their parents’ first over a friend? Which didn’t exactly soothe me, either.
“What are you worrying about?” Bridget whispered between courses, holding the tortilla chips dish in front of her face in caseanyone was eavesdropping. She passed the dish to me then she leaned closer to wait for my answer.
“How do you know I’m worrying?”
“Let’s see, how many times have you lost the thread of the conversations tonight?”
Enough times that she had a valid point.
“Then there is that little forehead wrinkle you always get when you’re thinking too hard.”
“Did you hear Care asking about inviting Jesse?” I asked in an undertone as Murphy and Christian started ribbing each other about the latest World Series game.
“Yeah, so?” She spooned up more chili.
She hadn’t even noticed I’d barely touched my own, though it was delicious. Things were serious if I was off my food.
“I haven’t given her the talk, you know.”
“What talk?”
Her eyes widened at my quick, highly inappropriate sex gesture. Thankfully, my brothers were too busy squabbling about point spreads and bets over the game to wonder what I was gesturing about.
“Ohhh.” Bridget commented. “Want me to try to talk to her?”
“Yes, God, please,” I said, my urgent and fervent response making her laugh. “Fit in periods while you’re at it.” I scooped up more chili with my chip, my appetite swiftly returning.
“Already eating more,” Bridget mentioned, grabbing more chips. “I was wondering if you’d stopped liking chili.”
“Nope. It’s so good. Just I was having thoughts.”
“Well, stop doing that. I’ll handle it. Or I’ll try to.” She winced. “Not saying I know what I’m doing there, either.”
“But God, I appreciate you trying.” I leaned over and planted a giant kiss on her while everyone made kissy noises and whooped and hollered.
The chips in her hand plopped back onto her chili as she stared at me in silent shock.
I looked at my open-mouthed brothers. “Don’t all of you kiss your wives? If not, you won’t be married very long.”
“Yeah, just it’s been a while?—”
“Why I’m way overdue. Right, Bridget?”
Finally recovered, she smiled faintly. “Absolutely right. Why we are going to get my belongings from my apartment in Queens as soon as we finish dinner. No time like the present to start the rest of our lives.”
“Damn straight. So, let’s get on the road already. I need to find a couple more Halloween decorations too. Any tips where I can find Trolls ones or Scooby-doo?”
Christian pointed warningly at me, and I just leaned over the table to touch my finger to his in phone home E.T. fashion fromE.T., the older movie. Everyone bust out laughing, including Christian himself. “Special request from my niece, pal, so just charge me some bogus fine if you must. I’ll even pay it willingly, Officer Killjoy.”
“Fine, fine. But that’s it. Your property is now officially over-decorated.”