Priest scratched his jaw, eyes lifted toward the ceiling as he considered the question. “It’s hard to say. It might’ve been convenience. It might’ve been easier because it was a smaller building, so it was more of a test run before they hit the larger law firm. It could be because there is some sort of personal connection between you and this group or Poe and them, and it could also be that you weren’t the first attack. You’re just the first one we know about. That’ll be something else the team digsinto, seeing if there’s anything else we’ve missed over the last few months no matter how minor.”
“That’s a lot of research,” Oliver said quietly.
“It is, and then we’ll also probably have some of the other teams working on it. I think Jeremiah is going to assign the Bravo Team to the physical evidence.”
Oliver wrinkled his brow. “What physical evidence? There wasn’t anything left at the scene.”
Priest smiled at him. “There was plenty left. Traces of magic, the explosives that were used, possible footprints. Some of the blood that Knight picked up on could belong to someone other than Poe if he was able to defend himself when he was grabbed. He could have injured one of them. They’ll be doing all the lab work, running down where parts could have been purchased from, figuring out what spells could have been used, things like that.”
Oliver felt foolish.
He had been so sure he was the only one taking things seriously, that Priest and his team didn’t actually really care about one missing human when they had royals and senators and celebrities to protect, and yet, here Priest was, laying out a half dozen next steps he and his people would be taking, and all Oliver had planned on doing was following his instincts.
Not just following them—he’d beensprintingtoward them, so sure that he would find Poe on the other end of whatever had been pulling him along, but what would he have done then? He had no idea where Poe could be, what kind of building he might be in, how many of these assholes would be with him, or how well armed they might be. And what if he wasn’t in the country anymore? They could have taken him outside of the Siren kingdom into any number of more anti-Supe countries, some of them thousands of miles away. Was he going to run that entire distance?
“We don’t have to leave,” he finally said. “I understand now how much you and your team are doing, and it sounds like you need to be here to help. I promise I won’t take off again.”
Priest shook his head. “I appreciate you saying that, but even with the warding on the house, I don’t want to take a chance of a group coming here with overwhelming force and stronger magic. I can’t risk it. I can’t risk you.”
“But you’re needed here,” Oliver said again. “Maybe I should go alone to stay with your friends.”
“Absolutely not,” Priest said emphatically, marching around the side of the bed until he was towering over Oliver. “I can work on doing research just as easily with the Hoard as from the office here. I can call in when there’s meetings. And if need be, I could even fly back, but I’m not sending you off to go stay with a bunch of horny Dragons without me.”
Oliver couldn’t help but chuckle at that. Sure, Hoards were made up of a group of mates—and Dragons were notorious for the number that they took—but they also didn’t just inviteanyoneinto their family.
He sobered quickly when he remembered how jealous Priest had gotten the day before when he thought Oliver was going to leave and go to Azriel, and then the first chance Oliver got, he left the safety of his warded house to go gallivant around the scene of the crime and play detective. It was no wonder Priest was feeling insecure.
“You’re right. I don’t know what I was thinking,” he said gently and slowly peeled the sheets off his body, pleased when a solid black ring grew around the outside of Priest’s irises.
Sure, they weren’t his full Demon eyes, but it was still sexy, and it made him feel more attractive than he ever had before in his life. The fact that just the sight of his bare skin was enough to make an Incubus start to lose control of his lust was a heady feeling.
“When do we have to leave?” He said it casually, acting like he wasn’t tracing his collarbones with his fingertips before slowly moving down and circling one of his nipples.
Priest’s eyes were locked on where he was touching himself, his chest expanding with deeper breaths as he sucked Oliver’s desire right out of the air.
When he didn’t say anything, Oliver gave his nipple a pinch and then said a little louder, “Priest, when do we have to leave?”
Priest cleared his throat and said in his low, growly Demon voice, “The plane won’t be ready for a few hours.”
“Once I know how to use my tracking power, we’re coming back, and we’re finding Poe.”
Priest ripped his gaze away from where Oliver was teasing himself and met his eyes. “I promise.”
“Thank you,” Oliver said softly and then spread his legs, bending his knees and planting his feet flat on the mattress beneath him.
Priest was on him before he could even begin to tempt him with some sexy, come-hither line. He kissed his way up Oliver’s stomach and sternum before beelining over for the same nipple that Oliver had been touching. Using his human tongue on it, he licked over the nub several times and then sucked it into his mouth.
Oliver sank his fingers into his hair, keening softly. “You know, you won’t always get to boss me around.”
Priest grunted, pushing up for a moment and ripping off his shirt and undoing his pants. Oliver licked his lips, taking in the sight of him. He wasn’t big and hulky like the Hellhound that led their team, but he was still ripped and gorgeous. His white skin was a soft tan color, like he spent an odd amount of time out in the sun without any clothes on.
Priest grabbed his legs and pushed them up toward his chest. Oliver bit his lip to hold back a whimper, knowing exactly whatwas coming and craving it like nothing he’d ever experienced before.
“Okay.Outsidethe bedroom, you won’t get to boss me around.”
“Yes, dear,” Priest muttered, his voice so low and Demonic it shuddered through Oliver, alighting all of the nerve endings in his body, and then he stroked his tongue over Oliver’s hole. “Are you too sore?”
He probably should be, considering the size of Priest. He’d known from his research Incubi were generously endowed, but he hadn’t really thought about it in regards to Priest until he’d come face-to-face with all ten inches of him. But his desire was already building, bubbling inside him like a freshly uncorked bottle of champagne.