Page 45 of Priest

“Never,” he said, gasping when Priest licked over his entrance once more. “You can have me whenever you want, however you want, anytime you need.”

Priest growled against him. Oliver shuddered and moaned at the sensation, meeting Priest’s gaze when he lifted his head to look at him. His eyes were completely black now, his Demon just beneath the surface.

“You shouldn’t say things like that to a Demon like me.”

Oliver gripped the sides of his face, making sure he had his full attention. “I’m not saying them to a Demonlikeyou. I’m saying themtoyou. Because I trust you, and I know you would never take advantage of that.”

“I won’t,” he said, and then he looked back down, his forked tongue appearing as he stared at Oliver’s entrance. He glanced up at him once more and said, “You might want to keep hanging on to me.”

And then he was devouring Oliver once more, just like he had the night before, using that deliciously dexterous tongue to tease him inside and out, over and over.

All Oliver could do was clutch at Priest’s hair and hang on, moaning and begging for more, even when he thought it was too much. The ecstasy building inside him was almost terrifying in its intensity.

Priest didn’t stop like he had the night before though. He just kept going until he found the perfect rhythm of fucking his tongue into his hole, rubbing against his prostate, and then drawing it back out again, fast, driving Oliver out of his mind.

He didn’t realize he was crying until after he came, screaming Priest’s name and shooting come all over himself. Priest extracted his tongue and reached up, gently wiping the wetness away and bringing his fingers to his mouth to lick clean.

When he started to push inside, Oliver’s body couldn’t handle it. He was so oversensitive from his orgasm he immediately whimpered and shook his head.

Priest shushed him, stroking his thighs and not moving. “Just this much,” he groaned, only the head of his cock breaching Oliver.

He nodded wobbly. “Yeah, just that much.”

Priest wrapped a hand around his shaft and jerked himself, staring at where he disappeared inside Oliver’s body. Oliver couldn’t take his eyes off him. His straining muscles and glistening skin, the barest peek of fangs behind his panting lips.

He was so gorgeous.

When liquid heat splashed against his insides, Oliver moaned, finally letting his legs relax. He mewled pathetically when Priest gripped the back of his thighs and kept them in place, dipping down and using his slender tongue to gently push his come back inside Oliver’s aching body. If he had even an ounce of strength left, he was sure he would get hard again just from the feeling.

Once he was satisfied, Priest crawled up to him, plastering himself to Oliver’s front, pressing the softest of kisses rightover Oliver’s thudding heart, and then resting his head on his chest. Oliver caressed his shoulders and neck, scratching at his scalp and just lounging, enjoying the feeling of his fucked-out body and the amazing Demon who had brought him so much pleasure.

He thought maybe Priest had fallen back asleep and was considering taking a short snooze himself before repacking the overflowing duffel bag when Priest said quietly, “I have to protect you. I have to do everything in my power to keep you safe because I don’t think I could live in this world without you now that I know how perfect we are together.”

Tears burned at the back of his eyes. Oliver stroked his hair, murmuring soft, encouraging words, letting him know he understood.

And he really did. He didn’t know how he could feel the same way, that his entire existence was now bound to this sexy and endearingly awkward sex Demon. It should have been terrifying.

But as he lay there, sweat drying on his skin and heart finally slowing, he realized it wasn’t scary at all.

It just felt… inevitable.



The flight to the Dragons’ lair was mostly silent, just him and Oliver curled up together watching a silly comedy and a few members of Bravo Team stoic in the rear of the plane. He wasn’t sure about his sleepy human, but his own subdued nature came down to the fact that he couldn’t focus on anything beyond Oliver and their connection.

And that was terrifying.

Especially when he couldn’t be sure Oliver wouldn’t change his mind again and go off on his own. Rationally, he knew Oliver was smart—brilliant, even—and that he understood the dangers now that he hadn’t before. And he’d promised Priest, just as Priest had him, that they were in this together.

But his Demon wanted to lock Oliver in a tower and keep him safe from the whole world, including his own impulsivity. His rampant possessiveness may just be the thing that finally drove him over the edge and into madness despite the fact he felt more levelheaded than he could ever remember and barely had any twinges of hunger after gorging himself on his sweet-but-not-quite-human beloved.

He was grateful when they finally landed at a small, private airport about thirty minutes from the Dragons’ house. TheBellona Mountains loomed around them, dark storm clouds rolling in from the west, teasing them with the occasional drop.

Their ride was already there waiting for them, the bright orange SUV with tinting so dark even he couldn’t see through it saved them from the inevitable downpour.

Priest opened the door to the back seat, cringing as the eardrum-rupturing bass hit his sensitive ears. He put an arm in front of Oliver to stop him from climbing in, a wince on his face. Pounding on the driver’s window, he threw his hands up in exasperation when Rorick lowered it and just stared at him.