“Okay,” Ace says, “but as soon as he starts on Kit, that’s when we tell him.”
“Deal,” Nate agrees.
“Hold on, let me make sure I’ve got this right. I have a free day today and tomorrow.” Theo glances around the table. “Hey spitfire, come see me in my room?”
I open my mouth to tell him to save that shit for his groupies and cougars he flirts with, but Poppy beats me to it.
“Well, since I’m already seeing you… Theo, I hate to say it, but you’re just not doing it for me.”
I notice his smug grin transform into a huge smile as he gazes at her. He clearly appreciates her strength, just like I told him years ago. Nothing seems to shake her. His attempts to flirt are falling flat with her. He can't get under her skin like he can with me.
“Leave her alone, idiot,” Ace says as he gets up from the table. He quickly taps a few buttons on his phone before making his way to the other side of the room. “Hi Kit,” he says, then heads towards a bedroom.
“When you come to the zoo tomorrow, make sure you bring a disguise so that no one recognizes you. And seriously, don’t hit on anyone while we’re there,” I say firmly. If he ruins my day of taking photos for Alex, there'll be hell to pay.
“Seriously, you think that wig and hat hide your identity?” he smirks.
“Yeah, they get the job done. Just make sure nobody knows it’s you.”
Ace returns. “It’s done. I’ve informed Kit to let me know if Reg causes any trouble.”
“How did she take it?” Nate inquires.
“Fine. She couldn't understand why they set up the interviews like that, anyway. So, it’s not a problem.”
“I’m fucking starving,” Nate says, getting up from the table. “Come on, let’s go down to the bar, celebrate, and grab something to eat.
I give Poppy a little tap on her leg, signaling for her to get up.
"Give me the lowdown on my little nephew, Alex," Nate says, casually putting his arm around Poppy. It’s all good because it’s Nate. But if it was Theo, it'd be a whole different ball game because he's such a flirt who always loves getting under my skin. Nate’s loyalty is unmatched. He wouldn’t even think about hitting on another guy’s girl. He knows how much Poppy means to me, and he and the guys already see her as part of our family.
Theo comes over, stands beside me, and watches as Ace opens the door for Nate and Poppy to leave the room.
“You’ve got it all, man. You’ve achieved everything you’ve ever wanted - the dream life, our music, the girl, and the family we’ve always longed for. I’m happy for you, bro.” He playfully slaps my back.
I turn to face him, ready for his usual smartass cocky smirk. But he's really being sincere.
“Thanks, man. My only job now is not to fuck it all up.”
“Nah, she's more forgiving than that,” he laughs, slapping my back again. “You’ve already fucked up big time, and yet she still wants you. I don’t get it though. Not when she could have me whenever she wants, but hey, each to their own.” His smart-ass grin comes out and the fucker just can’t help himself.
“Are you two assholes coming or what?” Ace, the grump, says, still holding the door open for us.
Theo is the first to move forward. “Yeah, alright, Mr. Personality,” he replies. “Wouldn’t hurt to crack a smile once in a while.”
Chapter sixty-four
The next morning, we’re all pumped and ready for our trip to the zoo. I can’t help but smile as we wait for Theo to arrive. Xander sits next to me in the foyer, wearing his blonde wig and red cap. When people walk by, they can’t help but stare at his crazy outfit. Makes me wonder if his eccentric outfit attracts more attention than if he were simply being himself.
My mom once again complained about Xander talking to his son last night. Seeing their bond grow makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It’s clear that Xander is just as eager as I am to connect with our son every evening. I’m pretty sure my mom will make things even more difficult when they finally meet face-to-face.
This morning Mrs. B messaged me to let me know her daughter passed away. And that she was sorry that she wouldn’t be able to care for Alex as her family needs her. I swiftly responded, assuring her it was fine and expressing my condolences for her loss. This news really saddened me, and all I could think about was how I wished I could be there by her side, offering her comfort, just like she is always there for me.
I’m not looking forward to the conversation I need to have with my mother tonight. I need to ask her if she can take care of Alex for the remaining time I’m away. I wonder if there will be any restrictions put in place for her to do it, like Xander not having anything to do with his son. But if it comes down to that, I’ll just go home. I’m sure Xander will lend me the money if it comes down to that.
Glancing down at the floor, my mind is occupied with our conversation last night and how excited Alex was when Xander told him we had plans to go to the zoo today to see the kangaroos and koalas.