“We should take a break and record Xander's songs. Then we can pick which ones go on an album and drop two albums a few months apart. By doing this, we can leave our old stuff alone. In the meantime, Anita is on the lookout for a loophole in the clause so we can get our songs back. Our sound is what it's all about, not the shit the label forces on us. Plus, we could use some downtime. With everything going on with Xander, it would give him a chance to bond with Alex and reconnect with Poppy. I think taking a break will be good for all of us. Then, maybe in about six months to a year, we can think about touring again. What are your thoughts? We all need to be fully in on this. You know the rules.”
Nate leans back, arms crossed, and looks at the group. “We’ve been doing this for four years, always on the go. I’m grateful for what we’ve accomplished and the money we’ve made, but I’m fed up with being just a puppet for the label to stick their hand up our asses. We don’t get a say in what happens. We’ve seen the world, but what have we really seen? Stadiums, hotels, buses, and interview rooms. It’s irritating. Ourdays are jam-packed with radio and TV interviews, then we perform, then hit the road again. Let’s tell Reg right now that we’re done with that shit. I'm in Sydney for fuck sake. I’ve always wanted to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge. And that’s never gonna happen with the schedule they give us. So, I’m with Ace on this one. They’ve been using us, and we need to stop it.
“Yeah, he’s right,” I say. “We only get time off between tours or when we have to learn some idiot’s new song that doesn’t even match our style. Or it’s time wasted in the recording studio or some damn interview with me trying to fix some messed up shit I’m accused of, all because of Reg and the Label. From now on, everything changes. Starting with the interviews. Why the fuck do the four of us have to do it when one person could do it. When the four of us are there, we only answer a couple of questions anyway, when one of us could just do the whole fucking thing. We should share the interviews around so we can do whatever the fuck we want. And we’ll make sure it’s over the phone. That way, we can do our own shit, and at least see a bit of the country we’re in. I fucking love you guys. You’re my bros and I love the music we create. Not that shit they make us play, but our music. But I can’t keep going on like this, not now when I have other factors to include in my life.” I give a smile to the beautiful girl on my lap before shifting my gaze back to the boys. “I have a son who I have four years of catching up to do. My girl and I need to build a life together. I’ve lost so much of that life already. And I don’t want to give this up, but if we stay with the label, I’ll have to. Family comes first for me, not the damn label.”
“But I don’t want you to give it up for us, Xander,” Poppy says.
“I understand, Princess, but it’s what I want.” I plant a gentle kiss on her cheek, then shift my gaze back to my brothers.
All three, seated around the table, exchange glances with one another.
“So it’s settled then,” Ace says. “We go out on our own.”
"I don't want you guys to decide just because of that," I explain. “I'm just saying I can't keep dealing with the way they manipulate us all the time. It would crush me if I lost what truly matters to me again.” I don’t have to say anymore. The boys know exactly what I’m talking about.
“I think we should break away and go solo,” says Nate. “Our band wouldn’t be the same without its frontman. Xander Williams is the heart and soul of Broken Oasis. I swear, I’d quit if one ofmy brothers weren’t here making music with me.”
“I agree,” Theo nods.
Nate and Theo shift their gaze towards Ace.
“Don’t worry, man,” Ace says. “After witnessing all the messed up shit on this tour, I’m the one proposing we break free. Plus, I wouldn’t want to do any of this without you guys. It’s who we are, a broken bunch of assholes who understand each other. Nothing can ever break that bond. And as time goes on, our lives are bound to change. We can’t keep going on like this for years under the label. It’s better if we record our own music and have control over it. So, are we all in agreement that this will be our final tour under the label?”
"I’m in,” I say.
“Me too,” says Nate.
“Let’s do it,” says Theo.
I give Poppy a big squeeze, relieved that I can finally put all my energy into building a life with her and our son, without the constant pressure of the label. When Ace talks, I lean my chin on Poppy's shoulder, eager to hear what else he has to say.
“Okay,” Ace says, picking up the pen and jotting a few words down on the notepad. “Starting today, let's make it clear to Reg that only one of us will be doing the interview.” He takes out his phone and taps a few buttons. “Kit has two radio interviews this afternoon and two tomorrow.”
"Wait a sec," Nate says, whipping out his phone. “First, I wanna see when I can do the bridge climb. There's a few spots in the morning,“ he says, looking up. “Anyone interested?” He looks at Theo. “I know you won’t be, since you’re afraid of heights.” Then he gives Ace and Poppy a look, and finally me.
“Yeah, I’ll go,” Ace says.
“Xander, Poppy,” Nate inquires.
"Nah, I wanna go to the zoo," I say. I’ve heard Alex ask Poppy twice now if she has taken any photos of kangaroos or koalas, and I’ve been trying to figure out how to make that happen with our hectic schedule. So now I can arrange that for them.
“I’m going with Xander,” Theo quickly blurts out, flashing me a smile. By the way he’s looking at me. I know he's waiting for me to object, thinking he's intruding on my time with Poppy, but I can't refuse him when I know how much he loves animals. I can’t even count how many times I’ve walked into his house to find him watching Animal Planet. The dude would never forgive me if I told him he was not welcome.
“What do you say, Poppy?” Nate asks again. “Wanna join Ace and me for the bridge climb?”
“I’m not great with heights either. Besides, Alex has been asking if I have any photos of kangaroos and koalas, so I’ll go with Xander and Theo."
Nate turns back to his phone, presses a few buttons, and then places it face-down on the table. “It’s booked for six in the morning,” he says, glancing at Ace.
“Okay, then that means Nate and I will handle the two radio interviews this afternoon,” Ace states. “Theo and Xander, you guys will take care of the ones tomorrow. Is there anything else I should inform Reg about, besides mentioning that this tour will be our final one under the label?”
“Can they potentially sue us?” Theo asks.
“According to Anita, no, they can’t, because our contract doesn’t specify a length of time. So, we’re not breaking any rules there. It only states that any music produced by the label is theirs. As long as we don’t play the ones copyrighted to them, they won’t be able to sue us.”
“Can I be there when you let that asshole know we’re done with his crap and the labels too?” Theo asks.
“Why don’t we hold off for now?” I butt in. “There are still twelve days left on this part of the tour, so you know how it's gonna go down. Reg will keep acting like a school kid. Let's just tell Kit that one of us will handle the interviews from now on, and we can do it over the phone instead of going into the studio. And if Reg brings it up, that's when we'll come clean. He might not even notice it with all the shit he's got going on right now.”