Page 40 of Her Blood Revenge

‘You have made this place a wonder,’ I tell him.

‘I only revealed the soil and planted a few bulbs and shoots.’ He gestures around the room. ‘This is all you.’

‘Me?’ I ask. ‘I can barely keep myself from being buried alive.’

‘You did it, Pix. You brought all of this to life over the last couple of days. Clever little witch.’ He sits cross-legged, eyes wide with child-like wonder as he looks up at the walls and ceilings. Vines hang from above. Climbing plants scale the walls, blooming with vibrant colours. And the smells. Such floral scents so powerful I can taste them. It’s a whole different world, sealed up in this room.

‘Couple of days?’ I repeat.

‘Yeah. You’ve been sleeping. We wanted to get you cleaned up, but every time we tried to move you, thorny vines would seal you up under here.’

‘A bath has been run for you. It might be a tad cold now, but I seem to recall you somewhat enjoying the wild waters of the lakes and streams, so I don’t think you will mind it being a bit chilly. I’ll help you wash and get you in some fresh clothes.’

He nods to the corner of the room where a brass bathtub sits. Moss has grown all around it, and a blue pond lily has bloomed in the waiting water.

‘You hauled a tub down here?’

‘It was a team effort,’ he shrugs.

‘I’ve also noticedthe bed is rather larger than the one I had before.’

‘It needs to fit four. So yes. It’s considerably larger.’

He smirks, waiting for my reply. I don’t have the energy for banter today.

‘Can I ask you something?’ I ask.

‘Of course. I might not answer, but you can always ask.’

‘Who was Leo talking about? The brunette and the blonde? Was he talking about Thalia?’

‘No. He was talking about some old friends we were looking after. It’s nothing to worry about.’

I know that’s all I’m going to get.

‘How many are left in the castle?’

‘Half dozen, maybe. And us.’ He blinks as he waits for my next question.

‘If I ask you something else, will you promise not to tell the others I asked?’

His eyes narrow.

‘If you say no, I want you to promise not to tell them I even asked.’ He still doesn’t answer. ‘If you agree, I’ll fuck you,’ I add.

‘No. Don’t say shit like that, okay? You don’t need to be bartering your body for anything. Ask me, Pix. Even if I say no, I won’t say shit.’

I shift, unsure if I should ask. But it’s not like things can get much worse.

‘I want to look at the blood grimoire.’

‘No.’ He barely lets me finish speaking before delivering his definitive reply. ‘No way. Not happening. Never.’

‘I just want to look at it. That’s all.’

‘We learnt our lesson, okay? You’re not touching it again.’

‘You’re the ones that made me read from it in the first place,’ I argue.