Page 39 of Her Blood Revenge

I do. I focus on my breathing and the earth’s magic that the Wolf spent the day exposing with his axe. All around us, life begins to bloom. Moss and grass. Flowers and vines. They cover the walls and ceiling. Great, vibrant coloured petals open wide, and their scent fills the room. The dirt beneath us becomes soft and lush, and mounds rise under the bed posts, lifting the bed higher to give him some more room.

He rolls onto his side and doesn’t look away from me, but I hear the two others gasp in awe at the transformation of the room.

‘See what you can do when you’re in harmony with the magic instead of allowing your anger and hatred to take control?Thisis you,Pixie. The true way of your soul. It’s beautiful and powerful. It’s life. Not ripping out my throat and attacking us.’

‘Punish me tomorrow,’ I whisper. ‘I can’t take anymore today.’

‘I’m not going to punish you,’ he assures me. ‘Hey. Look at me.’ He takes my chin and lifts it. He still looks furious,but it eases when I meet his gaze. ‘The only one I want to hurt is Cole. And we will for what he just did to you.’

‘I didn’t mean to run. I couldn’t breathe.’

‘I know. It was my fault.’ He pulls a blanket over me and tucks my hair behind my ear. ‘I was pushing you before you were ready. I take full responsibility for your reaction today.’ My lip trembles. He settles it by running his thumb along it. ‘You’re not in trouble. Now. I want to help you sleep. Is that okay? I’ll make sure you have no nightmares.’

I nod.

‘Will you stay?’ I ask.

Dorian’s arm wraps around me from behind, his face buried in my neck. ‘Poppet Doll,’ he says firmly. ‘We’re here.’

‘We’ve got you, Pixie.’ Shaw kisses my knuckles.

Archie shuffles up by my feet and rests his head on my thighs. He hugs my legs. ‘And we’re never letting you go.’

‘I didn’t mean to strike Leo and destroy the barrier. They’re dead because of me.’ I start to cry. The pain is becoming too much. ‘I’m not even using my blood magic, and I’m getting others killed. I’m evil. My mother is evil, and I’m evil.’

‘Don’t cry,’ Archie whispers, holding me tighter. ‘I hate it when you cry.’

I just sob. Such a pathetic display, considering how utterly raging I have been these weeks.

‘I’m evil. I’m a monster. Even when I’m trying not to be.’

‘Make her sleep, Shaw,’ Dorian says. ‘She’s torturing herself.’

Shaw blows sleep dust in my face.

My crying grows weaker as my body falls limp.

And I drift intoendless meadows and brilliantly blue skies.

Bird song brings me back to the waking world. I’m still under the bed, resting on a thick layer of moss and clover. Dorian and Shaw are gone, and it takes a minute to realise that Archie is still here, lazily running his tongue along my bare thigh. I peer down at him and watch as he closes his eyes and helps himself to the remnants of blood from my encounter with Cole’s knife. He catches me looking and smiles.

‘Morning, Pix,’ he greets. ‘How are you feeling?’

‘Are we just going to pretend you weren’t licking old blood off my legs?’ I ask.

‘If you like.’ He plants a kiss on my inner thigh and winks. His features soon become more sad. ‘How are you feeling?’ he asks.

When my familiar slithers out from my sleeve, he flinches so hard his head collides with the underside of the bed.

I slide out and sit, listening to him groan in pain as I rest my back against the bed frame. No part of me is ready or willing to answer that question right now, and I’m thankful to my little snake that she distracted him enough for me to get out of that tight space. When I see the room, I have the perfect change of conversation.

It’s become a wild garden.

The windows have been opened, and birds have even come inside. Archie sits cross-legged in front of me, his head tilted to one side as he looks at me, reading me ina way I’ll never understand. The chain is still around my neck, but I’m untethered.

Captured. But free.

My familiar slithers away, inspecting the space for herself. He doesn’t take his eyes off her.