Page 44 of Savage Redemption


I sprint backup the cliff path. I bought myself perhaps half an hour by faking an accident and claiming to have injured my wrist. Bex peered at it, from all directions, said she thought it was all right, but agreed to let me go to the island medical centre to get it X-rayed.

“I can’t spare anyone to come with you, though.”

“No problem, boss. I can remember the way.”

“Be quick about it. You need to be on the ferry back to the mainland.”

That gives me an hour, but I suspect she’ll be sending out a search party before then. I don’t waste any time. As soon as I get out of sight of the rest of our crew, I ditch my hard hat and fluorescent jacket. I hide them behind a dry-stone wall and set off in search of Rosa.

I assess my chances of searching the castle itself. Even with half the guards gone, it’s a risky business. I’ll do it, if I have to, but I prefer to eliminate other possibilities first. I head for the barn housing the swimming pool, which takes me along the cliffpath. From there I have a good view of the shingle beach and the jetty beyond.

My luck is in. I catch a brief glimpse of a slim figure making her way down the steep path, wrestling with a buggy. There’s a handrail, but even so…

I crouch at the top of the path, my heart in my mouth as she makes her way down. She reaches the bottom, and I breathe sigh of relief.That has to stop. She should have someone with her if she goes down there.

I follow and realise the route is less treacherous than it looked at first. The barrier is sturdy, and the path has been paved, with concrete ramps in the steeper sections. I reach the beach easily and see her ambling along about twenty metres ahead. Every so often she bends to pick something up and drops whatever it is in a plastic carrier bag dangling from the buggy handles.

I watch in silence for a while. It’s all I can do to remain hidden when she turns, and I get my first proper view of my daughter.

Erin. My little girl.

I make my way towards them, keeping to the foot of the cliffs. Much as I’d like to observe from a distance, I don’t have much time. She changes direction, starts to pick her way back to the cliff path.

Time to make my presence known.

That went well.More or less. At least she didn’t scream. Well, not much, and not at all once I got her to listen to me.

Did she believe me?I’m not sure, she seemed to. Eventually. I explained what had happened, as far as I know it, and she took it on board

Now, I need to ensure that she remains safe, and for that I need to return to Tenerife.

I sprint up the path,checking my watch as I go. I’ve been off the site for half an hour, Bex will be getting nervous.

The smell of smoke fills my nostrils when I get closer to the top. I pause, sniff the air. Definitely a bonfire or something like it, but I saw, and smelled, no evidence of that on my way down. I crest the top of the cliff, to be met with a wall of dense smoke.

What the fuck?

I cover my mouth and nose and make my way forward at a run, crouching low to avoid the worst of the smoke. I reach the first of the cliff-top cottages to find the place fully ablaze.What has happened?It was all fine when I passed not fifteen minutes earlier.

A sharp scream reaches me, echoing above the roar of the flames.

Shit, there’s someone trapped inside.

I dart forward and almost fall over the small form of a child. A boy, lying in the grass. I drag him away from the burning building, out of the choking smoke. I recognise him. He’s Ethan Savage’s son, the lad I saw playing football a few days ago.

He struggles to sit up, trying to speak.

“No, you are safe. Stay where you are.”

He shakes his head. “Natalija, and Andrej, still inside…”

Fuck!“There are people still in there?”

He nods, coughing violently. “Need to get them out…”

I jump to my feet and allow myself another bout of cursing. Instinct kicks in, and I abandon any plans of returning to the building site. “You go and get help. I’ll find your friends.” I’m already making my way back through the smoke.