Page 45 of Savage Redemption

I don’t know the layout of these cottages, but they’re not very big. It can’t be complicated, three or four rooms at best. The flames are shooting from the window furthest from the door. Maybe, if they’re just inside…?”

The door is open, and although the wall of heat is near overwhelming, I see no flames immediately inside. I drag in a deep breath and dart forward, into the bowels of hell.

The flames may be concentrated in the next room, but I’m surrounded by dense, choking smoke. I can’t see a thing, but I fumble forward. “Is there anyone here?” I croak. “Can you hear me?”

There’s nothing above the ferocious roar of the inferno. I take another step forward, then another.

“Anyone here?” I manage again.

“Help. Help us.”

The voice is weak but sounds to be close, somewhere to my right. I turn in that direction and feel my way through the blackness.

I almost trip over her. A girl, huddled below the window, the body of a smaller boy in her arms.

Querida madre de Dios…

I try to lift her, but she refuses to let go of the boy. I can’t carry them both, and by the look of his limp form he’s gone anyway. “Come with me. Leave him, it’s too late…”

“No! No, he’s my brother.”

I can’t make two journeys. Already the flames are creeping through the door. In moments this entire room will be ablaze, we have only a few seconds at best.

“Jesus. Okay. You, hang on to me. You’ll have to walk.”

I haul her to her feet, then bend to scoop up the slight form of the dead boy. “Let’s go. Stay close. Don’t let go.”

I always had a decent sense of direction, and I need it now because I can’t see anything. I know the doorway is somewhere behind me, to the left, and I follow my instinct as I try to locate it.

One step, then another. I inch forward, the boy in my arms, the girl clinging to what’s left of my shirt. My lungs are burning, can’t breathe. It’s too far, not going to make it… I collapse to the floor when my legs give way, and I lose consciousness.

Is this how it ends?My final thought as my world goes black.

This iswhat it’s like then, being dead. I always assumed it would be quieter.

Around me, there’s a distant babble. Voices, footsteps, a metallic clatter.

Go away. Leave me in peace.

The din intensifies. Someone is touching me, tormenting me.

I grimace.Why won’t they leave me alone, even now?



The acrid smellof smoke and burning reaches me before I’m even halfway up the steep cliff path. I snatch Erin from her buggy and abandon that when I take off at a sprint, desperate to reach the top. I crest the clifftop to be met by a scene of chaos.

One of the cottages is ablaze, flames shooting through what’s left of the roof. Smoke billows, blanketing the ruined dwelling in choking fumes. I dart forward, clutching Erin to my chest.

Ethan’s men are milling about watching the inferno, but no one is attempting to fight the flames. I suppose there’s no point. I’m not sure who lives in that cottage, but I hope they got out in time. I suppose they must have, or the men would be attempting a rescue.

Wouldn’t they?

“Is anyone hurt?” I gasp, clutching at the sleeve of the man closest.

“You need to keep back, miss. There’s nothing to do but let it burn out.”