It started innocuously enough. “You and Adan seem to be getting on well,” she observed as the pair of us clustered around her laptop to draft my reply to the Vienna Philharmonic. “He took this news well enough.”
“Yes, he did. And we’re going,” I replied. “I never imagined…”
“A man of surprises, that one. Pass me that letter, I need to get their address right.”
“Yes. Surprises. He said… he said that…”
She lifts her gaze from the screen. “What did he say, sweetheart?”
“He said I should be spanked, for keeping it all to myself.”
“Oh.” I have her full attention now. “And what doyouthink?”
“I think it’s weird. Don’t you? Spanking, and all that…”
“All that?”
“Kinky stuff. Violence.”
She adopts a serious expression. “Kink and violence are not the same thing. Not at all. Do you want him to spank you?”
“Why would I want that? Why would anyone?”
“Why indeed? But the very fact that you’re asking me about this suggests you may be considering it. Just a little, maybe?”
“Maybe,” I concede. “It’s just that…”
She waits, patient, while I try to drag my jumbled thoughts together.
“It’s just that, he’s never hurt me. Even when… even back then. He was always kind, and gentle. Why would he want to… do that?”
“Are you scared of him?”
“No! Of course not.”
“Do you think he’d ever injure you?”
“And you’re thinking about it. Maybe?”
“I suppose…”
“Why? Why are you thinking about it?”
I shrug. “Curiosity, I suppose.
“It’s good to be curious. Good to try new things, to explore, especially if you feel safe to do that together.”
“I do feel safe, it’s just that it seems so… so unusual. What if someone found out? What if Erin saw?”
“Like you did that time?”
“Me?” I gulp, and the flush rises from my chest to engulf me. “What do you mean?”
She smiles at me. “You were there, that time. At the door. You saw me and Nathan.”
“I never… I mean, I wouldn’t… I’m sorry, it was just…”