Page 113 of Savage Redemption

“It was an accident. I know, we both know that.”

Both? Jesus.“You mean my dad saw me, too?”

“Of course.”

“Neither of you ever said.”

“Well, no. Obviously. We didn’t want to make a big deal of it. If you needed to talk, we would have, if only to make sure you understood we were fine. We were playing. It was fun. Nothing to see here.”

My head is spinning. I’m struggling to make sense of all this, but surely…

“Is it normal, then?” Itmustbe. They’re my parents.

“Normal enough, whatever that means.” She takes my hand. “The important thing to understand is that it’s all about consent. If a man hits you without your consent, that’s assault. You should run a mile and never look back. Tell the police. Or tell Adan and get him to hire a hitman. Butwithconsent, well, that’s different. You know he’ll stop the instant you tell him to. He’s not angry, there’s no coercion. It’s just… fun.”

“Is it? Fun?”

“Well, I think so. I didn’t at first, I was as confused as you, but I was also intrigued. And I trusted Nathan to take care of me, so I went for it.” She allows herself a soft smile. “It’s a decision I never regretted.”

I regard her seriously. My head is still spinning, but perhaps slightly less furiously. “I need to think.”

“Thinking’s good. You have a think and do whatever seems right to you.Foryou. And if you have more questions, come to me. I’m always here for you.”

“I talked to Eva,” I blurt.

“Oh, yes?” He glances over at me and toes off his shoes as we both get ready for bed. He straightens, and his gaze sharpens. “Ah.Thattalk?”

“Yes. That talk.”

“How did it go?”

“Fine. I think. It was… helpful.”

“I’m glad.” He doesn’t press me. He just meets my gaze and holds it.

“Is the offer still open?” I ask.


“To spank me?” There. I’ve said it.

His lips curl in a sensuous smile. “Yes. That offer is always on the table.”

“Then, then I think I might like to… accept it. Please.”

His smile widens. “I hoped you would.”

“Can we do it now? Before I chicken out?”

“No time like the present. Come here, Rosie.”

I get up from the edge of the bed and make my way to where he’s seated on my upholstered bedroom chair. “What do I need to do?”

“Take off your clothes.”

“Everything?” I squeak. I suddenly feel very vulnerable.

“As much as you feel comfortable with.” His eyes darken.