Page 111 of Savage Redemption

“How about Vienna?” Eva chips in from the door.

Adan turns to welcome her to join us. Erin, too, who reaches for him with sticky fingers.

“Vienna?” he muses. “Not a place I thought of, but I don’t see why not. Beautiful architecture.” He takes Erin onto his lap. “What do you think,chiquita? Shall we all go to live in Vienna? With a big dog and a garden?”

Eva sends me a look of pure triumph.I told you so.

“I think you need to see this, Adan.” She retrieves the now somewhat crumpled and dog-eared letter from the Vienna Philharmonic and hands it to him.

He juggles his daughter while he extracts the sheet of paper and lays it before him on the table, smoothing out some of the wrinkles. Moments later his gaze lifts to meet mine and his handsome mouth quirks, but not quite a smile. “You’ve been busy.”

“Not really. It’s just?—”

“It’s not my field, but even I’ve heard of these guys. They don’t invite just anyone to join their orchestra.”

“I had an audition…”

“Two auditions,” Eva chips in.

His brow furrows. “Why am I only hearing about this now?”

“I never thought they’d even entertain me. I’m rusty, and although I’m a decent violinist?—”

“Better than decent. I taught her.” Eva beams at the pair of us. “My star pupil.”

“Youronlypupil,” I correct her.

“They were obviously impressed,” Adan observes, undeterred by my protestations. “Just like I was, and they knowwhat they’re talking about. Is this who you needed to hear it from?”

I shuffle from one foot the other. “Maybe…”

He waves the letter at me. “Is this what you want to do?”

“Well, yes, I suppose so. But what about Erin? And the dog? I’d be travelling all the time. And there’s rehearsals, and?—”

“Details. Important details, but we could work things out.”

“I don’t see how.” I sink into the chair opposite him. “We’d need a nanny. Where could I find a good nanny by next month?”

“Next month?”

“Yes. Rehearsals start on the second.”

“Well, we need to get a shift on, then. I’m guessing we’re moving to Vienna. String section, eh? I knew you were good.”

“Weren’t you listening just now?”

“Not really. You were babbling. The only real question to answer is, do you want to do this?”

“Of course, but?—”

“Then between us we’ll make it work. Trust me.”

I ignore Eva’s muttered ‘I told you’. I’m too busy throwing my arms around him. “Love you, I love you, I love you.”

I had that talk with Eva. At first it was awkward, I didn’t know where to start, how to ask.Whatto ask?

‘Do you like being spanked?’Hardly the stuff of casual chit-chat over lunch.