Well, I care because he’s fucking hot, though a lot older than me, and he seems funny. So there.

He seems to enjoy the beer because he orders another, and then another. In fact, he stays until closing time. And all that time, he finds a reason to pull me back over to his table. We chitchat a little and I start to get a bit excited.

And nervous.

The guy is definitely gorgeous, but I also just got myself out of a terrible situation. I trusted those people, too. My track record isn’t the best.

But Erik doesn’t set off any alarm bells and I’m really enjoying having someone to flirt with.

The last call is given at two o’clock. I go over to gather Erik’s last pint glass and to let him know it’s time to head out. It makes me sad for some damn reason.

He shakes his head. “You know, I’m really enjoying getting to know you, Rylee. Can I take you to breakfast? I noticed the diner across the street from here.”

The diner in the parking lot of the hotel. I feel like a schoolgirl being asked out by the captain of the football team. “Yeah, sure. I’d like that. That’s nice. Yes. Um, I’ll just go get my things and clock out.”Did I really just spew out all those words?

We head over to the diner and, on the way, I tell him a little about my dream of being a singer. I don’t know why I’m sharing even this much, but something about him feels familiar. I feel safe with Erik.

“Well, I’d bet you have an amazing voice. Who’s your biggest inspiration?”

I don’t even hesitate. “Well, Alanis Morissette is pretty astounding.”

“I think that’s a very good pick. If I had to choose a female singer that I love, I’d have to go with Deborah Harry or let’s see, someone newer, um, maybe Pink.”

“Oh wow, very mainstream, okay.”

“Well, I’m sure you’d be my top pick if I ever got the chance to hear you.”

I blush pretty hard at that moment. This guy is very good, indeed.

Breakfast goes well. In fact, that’s a drastic understatement. We talk like we’ve known each other for years. I can’t understand it. He’s fucking amazing in all ways, I’m turned on beyond imagining and I just can’t seem to get it in my head that this guy might be a good match for me. I guess I just don’t trust that I could attract a good guy.

But I don’t argue as we leave the diner and Erik asks if he can walk me to my room. (Yeah, I told him about my recent escape from the pretend band and that I’m staying here at the hotel. I really would make the easiest target for a serial killer, right?)

Anyway, I accept, and well, we don’t even make it to my door before we’re kissing. We walk the last few steps wrapped around each other like pretzels. As I get to my door, I manage to get my key card out and open the door without breaking contact.

Erik walks me into the room and kicks the door closed behind him. Both of us frantically pull at each other’s clothes. His hands run down my back to work my bra free. I have my hands on his jeans, trying to get the button and then the zipper undone.His hands release the catch on my skirt. Mine pull open his shirt. There’s constant movement and no end.

I can barely catch my breath. My clothes melt away and it doesn’t take long before we’re both naked. Erik presses me to him and now, his kisses are soft and lingering as his hands roam over me, teasing sensations from every part of me he touches.I don’t know what to do but it doesn’t matter. I’m content to let him take control.

We move slowly, as a unit, and finally, we make it to the foot of the bed.

And my body takes over from there.