Chapter Four
“Erik!” I cry as his hand grips my breast. He holds tightly, almost tightly enough to hurt. It feels very good, though, and I’m not going to be able to tell you why. I’m not going to be able to figure out a damned thing, in fact. I mean, other than to experience whatever this incredibly powerful firefighter decides that I’m going to experience.
That’s me, a liberated, independent, modern women.
Well, sorry. My nipples and my clit have decided that for right now, I’m neither independent nor liberated. I’m very much dependent on Erik and also very eager for him to take whatever the hell he wants from me regardless of what opinion I might have to offer up to him.
I mean, because I trust him, of course.
The point is that I can just let go and let him be in charge because I trust him. Only now do I realize how desperately I need to let go and how much I trust him. The first part shouldn’t surprise me, really. I let my life get to a point of desperation. I almost lost everything! I came close to losing my guitar, all the band equipment, and much more.
Much more. I mean, I don’t want to say the word.
But I know exactly what those men wanted. And they would have gotten it. All of them would have gotten it. If I survived all of them, they would have just left me somewhere on the street, broken. But instead, the panther saved me from that horror and the shock of it inspired me to get my life together.
But it’s overpowering. I feel really good about that, of course. But it doesn’t change that fact that it’s a pretty damned radical departure from things. I mean… Uh, responsibility. It’s not easy. I will say that it’s going to be a whole lot easier to call my parents in a few weeks and talk about my job. I mean, I can make working at the bar about developing contacts. When I speak to them, I mean. Not in reality. In a bar like this, everyone thinks they’re really a musician.
That’s Los Angeles. Every waiter is either a musician or an actor. Every barista wrote a screenplay. Every girl asking, “Do you want fries with that?” is thinking about whether or not she’ll sleep with a director for a part. There’s nothing special about me in that regard. I’m not making contacts. I’m taking drinks. I’m not a musician, I’m just?—
Holy crap! Somehow in the midst of all my thinking, I completely missed Erik getting me down onto the bed, right at the foot with my butt right on the edge.
And now he’s kneeling with his mouth on my pussy and I’m learning that I don’t have the slightest idea about sexual pleasure until right now. I’m learning that I’m completely in the dark about sexual pleasure! For Pete’s sake, this is the best experience of my life! His tongue moves over my entire pussy, just the flat of his tongue. Just that feels better than anything I’ve ever done!
But he does more.
His tongue curves down and then it slips inside of me. It is a crazy sensation. It’s penetration but it also feels like it’s just threatening penetration, if that makes sense. It’s… How do I explain it? That’s the best I can do. It makes me feel like he’s just threatening to penetrate while I simultaneously feel it inside of me. It’s a contradiction, I know, but that’s how it is. It instantly rachets things up for me, makes me utterly desperate so that I’m moaning in a constant, keening wail!
Part of me feels like such a simple headed girl right now. I can’t put two thoughts together. I can only think in terms of what Erik is doing to me right now. Part of me almost hates that my mind is surrendering to my body like this, and another part of me is absolutely loving it!
I’ve never experienced anything intimate where the focus was on me. I’m much more used to others getting all the attention. At least, all the good attention. Right now, Erik is completely mine, and that adds wonderful layers to what he’s actually doing.
He slides up along my body for a quick moment to kiss me. “You’re amazing, Rylee.”
Then, he slides back down, kissing me softly all along the way. I feel every kiss like a direct touch on my clit. By the time his mouth gets to my pussy again, I’m teetering on the edge of the most tremendous orgasm I’ve ever felt.
But I’m also… he slid up and kissed me.
He called me amazing.
This is…
Wow. I don’t have a frame of reference for this. It wasn’t some simp gesture, you know. He never stopped being in absolute control. It was more like… I don’t even understand it. it doesn’t make sense, and I can’t devote enough thought to it because of the whole teetering on the edge of orgasm thing.
And somehow, Erik keeps me on that edge. He pulls back and kisses along my inner thighs, nibbling at me here and there. I feel little jolts of pleasure travel straight to my pussy. I gasp and moan and try to twist under him to make him get back and finish what he started, but just teases and teases me.
Then, when I think I simply can’t handle waiting much longer, he puts his mouth right on my clit again and sucks hard until my whole body is shaking like crazy and my orgasm grips me so hard my breath is knocked from me.
I can’t even call his name as he moves quickly up and then thrusts his cock deep into my clenching pussy. I feel every muscle in my body get even more tense, and it feels like my stomach is being gripped in someone’s fist. I know that doesn’t sound wonderful, but it is. It’s the most glorious feeling I’ve ever felt.
Erik doesn’t build up.
He thrusts into me that first glorious time and immediately thrusts faster and harder. I try to lift my hips to meet his thrusts, and I have limited success. Sometimes, I end up driving his cock even more deeply into my still spasming pussy. His cock feels incredible, filling me completely, stretching me so that every nerve feels raw and stimulated.Most of the time, though, I’m just too overwhelmed to really participate. It’s more that Erick is doing this to me and not with me.
Damn, it’s amazing.