“I need you,” she rasped, lowering her hand on top of the one I had in her pants, and pressing down to increase the friction on the sensitive bundle of nerves. “You’ve got me.” I proved that by plunging my fingers in harder.

“No, I need you inside me.”

Her wish was my command. Pulling her shorts down, and with her still facing the TV, I lifted her up, waited for her to move her legs either side of my own, and lowered her down onto her knees. Angling my cock up with my left hand, I guided her backward with the other until she was sliding down my length, making my brain short circuit. Seriously, someone could land a helicopter in our garden right now, and I’d assume it was normal - that’s how much she affected me.

I’ll say it until I’m blue in the fact, the best thing about having a piercing is that it makes the area even more sensitive, and when the metal in it moves, it feels like someone’s setting off sparks in that area. That’s what I was dealing with right now as she lifted and lowered slowly, shifting the piercing. Every time it rubbed over the area where I knew her g-spot was, she’d either spasm around me, or she’d clamp down – neither of which was conducive with holding back from coming. Add onto it the fact that she now had my ring on her finger, and I was getting close to the point of no return quickly.

And then she did something that drove me out of my ever-loving mind, she reached between her legs, finding my balls, and gently squeezed as she rolled them. As if that wasn’t bad enough, I could feel the cold metal on her finger rubbing against one of them, and that was it for me.

Staying connected to her, I tipped her forward so that she was on her hands and knees, pushed her shoulders down, and slammed into her as hard as I could. With every thrust and withdrawal, she’d moan and shudder, so I focused on shallow thrusts into her, concentrating the rubbing of the little ball in my tip on that rough patch on the front of her pussy. Just as she started to come, I withdrew to the tip and slammed back in with my hands holding her in place, and fell and started to come, biting my lip so that I didn’t yell and wake Liv up. It felt like it went on forever, but when it finally left me, I slumped over and rested my head between her shoulder blades. “I fucking love you, Jose.”

Her pussy clenching down around me accompanied a long, happy sigh. “I fucking love you, Ellis.”

If I could stay joined with her like this, I would, but it would have looked fucking weird and ended up with us probably being banned from our own wedding, so I could deal with it not being a possibility. That was until I withdrew from her and felt the loss of her tight warmth.

After we cleaned up, she went back to the position she’d been in before, and sat quietly watching the movie. After a couple minutes, a thought occurred her, and she murmured, “Hey, wasn’t it cool how they got those photos to just display on that one screen? I mean, that photo is all on billboards all over the country, so how do you think they log into just one screen without it affecting the others?”

I’d been fiddling with the ring since we’d settled back down, but this question made me stop moving. In fact, I was pretty certain I stopped breathing, too. I hadn’t considered this when Mace had told me his plan, I’d just supplied the photos and agreed which one we’d be in front of and at what time.

She had a point though – how did they change the feed to just one of them?________________

8. 15 am the next morning…“Good morning from me, Cathy Goodman. This morning, we’ll be starting off with a breaking news story about something that caused huge disruption last night, and that’s still being discussed on social media platforms.

In fact, news stations all over the world are discussing footage displayed on advertising screens last night. The magazine DrawInk held a competition this year to find the most popular photograph featuring every day tattooed couples. The lucky winners, Ellis Beauregard and Josephine Harrison, had their submission displayed throughout the United States, and it’s been featured in publications all over the world. Last night, other photos of the couple replaced the photograph as Ellis proposed to her. This wasn’t just any proposal, as it appears, he took the images over a period of time, staging him popping the big question while she wasn’t aware. Commuters were last night treated to photos of Josephine in the shower, the glass thankfully fogged up, with Ellis standing in front of a mirror with the words ‘Marry Me’ written on it. They also got a glimpse of her sunburned in an unfortunate area, with the words written on it, too. It finally ended with the photograph, that we all know and love, being put back on the screens with the words ‘I dare you to say yes’ on it. We have no doubt she said yes after that, but our producers are in the process of contacting the couple for confirmation on her response. We all enjoy a love story, and this one is one for the ages. What do you think, John?”