The sound of a crowd cheering and people clapping was unexpected, and then they started to come out from behind trees and wherever else they’d been hiding. “And he didn’t puke!” Cole yelled, laughing as he walked toward us.

Beside him was Tabby, who was smiling harder than I’d ever seen before in my life, tears pouring down her cheeks. DB had the same grin as he walked beside her with his arm around her shoulders. It was the person standing on her other side holding Liv who took me by surprise – Burt, with a proud and relieved smile on his face as he looked at us. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen with their relationship, but after his revelation and reading the file DB had got on him, I was hoping his daughters would be a part of his life.

Looking back up at Jose, I grabbed her hand, and put the ring on her finger before she could change her mind. “That never comes off, do you hear me? Never.”

Leaning down so that our lips were just touching, she whispered, “Well, it’s not like I could. You dared me to say yes.”

And I had. On the final photo on the screen, the one of the two of us that had won the competition, we’d add a caption: I double dog dare you to say yes!

I was marrying the love of my life, I was a father to the most beautiful daughter in the world – and that was going to be made legal and binding – and both of them were mine for the rest of my life. And I didn’t fucking intend on dying for at least another seventy years so that I could make as many memories as was humanly possible and experience their beauty daily.

Hooking my hand behind her neck, I pulled Jose against me and kissed her, trying to show her exactly what this moment meant to me.

“Ellis Beauregard, stop making out in the dirt. Honestly, I raised you to be better than that – asking her to marry you and then rolling around on the floor,” my mom said loudly, but you could hear the laughter she was trying hard not to show. “And in front of a baby.”

The last bit had me pulling back from my fiancée, grinning up at the happiness in her beautiful green eyes, before I lifted up and moved us so that we were standing in front of our friends and family.

Then I got to say the words I’d been dreaming of saying. “Give me my daughter!”________________

Four hours later…I don’t know if it was a man thing or if it was just me, but lying on the bed with Jose between my legs while we watched TV was different tonight, and I couldn’t for the life of me stop staring at my ring on her finger. She wasn’t even holding her hand in the air to draw attention to it, she had her fingers linked on her belly while we watched a movie about ‘mature’ women reading Fifty Shades of Grey and their book club. At least, that’s what I remembered from the description of the movie, I hadn’t watched a second of it after she’d crawled between my legs and laid down with her head on my chest.

Slowly running my hand from under her tits, down toward her pussy, I buried my nose in her hair and breathed in deeply. I was fucking beside myself that I finally had this with her, and that all the dreams I’d had over the last fifteen months had come true. Sliding my fingers under the waistband of her shorts, I continued moving down until I got to the area that I was aiming for – her folds, her clit, and her snug core. “Ellis,” she moaned, shifting her hips to help me with my mission. “Do you realize that this will be the first time I make love to my soon-to-be wife?” When she nodded her head – because it didn’t take a genius to figure out what I’d just said – I continued, “You’re going to marry me with me inside you, that’s my one stipulation. You can have the wedding you want, anywhere you want, but I’ll be inside here,” I slowly pressed my finger into her entrance, groaning when I felt how wet she was for me already. Pumping in and out slowly, I slid my other hand under her sleep tank, making my way toward the hard nipple I could see through the fabric. When I reached it, I circled my finger around it at the same time as adding another one to her pussy, smiling when she started to grind up into the palm of my hand and not waiting for me to use my thumb on her clit.