As a spasm hit, warning us about what was about to happen, I gasped in a breath which was cut off by him closing the miniscule distance between our mouths and taking mine in a hard kiss. His tongue swept inside, not waiting or beating around the bush, just as his thumb pressed on my clit and his finger pressed on the patch inside me. The way he kissed me and what he did with his hand, sent me straight over the edge into one of the sweetest orgasms I’d ever had. His thumb circled on the outside as his finger rubbed on the inside, continuing their movements through every spasm and wave, and driving me out of my mind.

“You need to stop,” I begged, starting to panic. Orgasms were meant to die down, not increase with power, and what I could feel building scared me.

“Let it happen, baby,” he murmured, wiggling his hips so that his cock was flush against my folds.

“I can’t,” I croaked, withdrawing my finger and grabbing onto him with both hands. It would only be later that I saw the marks I left with my nails on him, but they’d join the longer ones that went down his back, visible through his tattoos.

Just as I was climbing a big peak, everything tensing inside me and ready to explode, he replaced his finger with his cock and pushed inside me, making me come instantly around his hard length.

“Christ,” Ellis groaned, his forehead meeting my shoulder as he held still. “You test my limits.”

If I had the use of my brain, I’d probably wonder if this was a good or a bad thing, but right now I didn’t have it in me to do that. Still coming, I arched my back, angling my pelvis downward and trying to feel him deeper inside me. It was all natural instinct now what with my brain still focusing on the spasms going on inside my vagina. Every time I tried to take a deeper breath in, more electrical pulses would happen, and it got to where I had to pant just to stop the black dots swimming around in my vision.

Finally, finally, it all faded away, and I came back to myself and managed to focus on the man still not moving a muscle as he watched me come. “Are you made of wood or something?” I asked, only half joking. Raising his head so we could make eye contact, a filthy grin appeared on his face as he withdrew slightly and then pushed back into me. “Wood? Yes, there’s wood.”

I burst out laughing, squeezing him with my Kegel muscles with each burst. Then I saw the heated expression on his face, and the way he kept looking between us to watch what his cock was doing to me. That expression made the humor leave faster than it had appeared, and this moment became much deeper than it had already been. Every time we made love was special and meaningful, we just had that magic between us. He always treated me with care but proved how well he knew my body, too, as he learned and remembered everything that I liked. I knew that because I’d done the same thing with him, and I loved it when I hit his hot spots and the reaction I got from him when I did. Right now, focusing on his expression as he continued to do the slow, methodical withdrawals and advances, I felt more connected to him and I loved it. Wrapping my legs around him more tightly, I closed the tiny gap that had been between us, biting his shoulder when he hit something inside me. Our vaginas weren’t tunnels, they didn’t go on for miles, so him hitting what I assumed was my cervix might have caused a pinch of pain, but it also gave a whole lot of pleasure, too.

“It’s like you were made for me,” he mumbled as he nuzzled under my ear, the sensation making me release the grip my teeth had on him, and then followed it by pressing soft kisses on my neck. Continuing past my collarbone, he worked his way down to my nipple, flicking it with the tip of his tongue and then sucking it in between his lips. His hips didn’t stop moving his cock in and out of me throughout it, and I was going out of my mind with his steady pace. “Honey, I need you to move faster,” I begged. “Please!”

Raising his head, a determined expression crossed his face as he looked down at me. “You want it faster?”

“Uh huh.”

I’d only just gotten the words out when he reared back onto his knees, lifted one of my legs up in the air, and then extended it so that my foot was on his shoulder. “Keep that there, ok?” Nodding, I waited to see what he did next, thinking yet again that he should publish his own version of the Kama Sutra. Finally, he put his hand behind the knee of my other leg, bending it back toward me and out to the side so that it skimmed the mattress. “Hold this one back like this,” he instructed, waiting until I had a hold of it. And that’s when he showed me why it was such a good idea to do what he’d asked me to as he started moving. With the way my pelvis was now angled thanks to my legs, every movement in and out of me felt much more sensitive than it normally did. My inner muscles were naturally tense because of it, too, meaning that I was squeezing down on him constantly. All of which was fucking amazing because it increased the pressure of his cock on that one freaking spot! I was so sure it wasn’t meant to be like this, but I had zero complaints over the fact that it was.