Jerking back slightly, he frowned down at me, looking like I’d just said I was going to wax his balls. “What the fuck?”

“You said shit about eight times in that one speech.”

“It wasn’t a speech, I was outlining a plan,” he muttered, blatantly frustrated to hell and back.

“A plan that involved a lot of shit.”

Tilting his head to the side, he squinted at me, taking in the innocent expression I was wearing. “You’re fucking with me, aren’t you?”

Losing the fight against the giggle I’d been holding back, I used the legs I had wrapped around his waist to pull his crotch flush against mine. “Only a little,” I snickered, holding up my hand with my thumb and forefinger half an inch apart.

And then he played me at my own game, the big horse shit. Sighing, he pulled back until he was standing on his knees. “Well, if that’s the way you want to play it.”

I had no warning before he caught the waistband of my shorts and yanked them off me, my panties joining them. I’m pretty sure they hadn’t even hit the ground before he was leaning over me and pulling my tank top over my head and then reaching for the front closure on my bra. A burst of nervous laughter came out of me as he tried to get my arms out of the straps. “What are you doing?”

Deciding to not waste time, Ellis reared back up again, and pulled his shirt off over his head, flinging it in the same direction as my clothes. When his hands moved to the waistband of his shorts, popping the button through the hole before slowly lowering the zipper, I had no other thoughts in my brain apart from what lay beneath. I knew it well by now, and this was a special form of torture as he took his time with a zipper that was only four inches long at most.


Stopping all movement, he raised an eyebrow back at me. “Yes, Jose?”

His determination was as clear as the water that ran out of the faucet in his kitchen, and because he had one of those special filters attached to the pipe that the water came through, it was pretty fucking clear. Not that it wouldn’t be, that had to be said, but knowing the little charcoal thing was there purifying it made it seem sterile when I looked at it. But, I knew this expression on him, and I knew he had a will of iron, one that clashed with my own but also suited it perfectly. That’s why I did what I did next – I played him at his own game. Lifting my hand and placing it above my belly button, I waited until he’d lowered his eyes, and then started moving it south as slowly as I could. Widening my thighs as much as I could when I got to the top of my folds, I moved my finger further down, moaning when the tip ran over my clit. His eyes didn’t leave what I was doing once, and I’m not even sure he blinked either, so I pressed down more and circled around it, groaning when I hit the spot that was the most sensitive. “What are you doing?” he rasped, lowering the zipper to the bottom in one swipe.

Deciding that I was going to continue what I started, I moved my finger further down until I got to my entrance, and then I pressed inward. “Well, you were taking a long time, so I figured if you were busy that I’d do it by myself,” I broke off on a gasp on the last word, my head arching back. This was no act, just knowing that he was watching as I fingered myself was making it feel even better than it normally did when I did this. Not that I’d had to thanks to him, but I still had some pre-Ellis practice, so I knew what worked for me.

Because I wasn’t looking at him, I didn’t realize he’d moved until his thick finger pressed in beside mine, rubbing over the sensitive patch inside me as he pushed in. “I think this goes without saying, baby, but if I’m around, you never have to be the one to make yourself come. Even if I’m not around, all you’ve got to do is call me and I’ll take over,” he rumbled, leaning down onto his spare arm and closing the distance between our faces. The position he was in kept his crotch off our hands, and I wasn’t sure if that was to torture me, or for his own sake. With our lips just touching, he whispered, “But right now we’re going to take you there together.”

I lost the ability to talk or think when he punctuated it by pressing upward against the front wall of my pussy and then rubbed right on the area of nerves that every woman loves. It’s a nirvana bundle, a get-her-to-one-hundred spot, a detonator, and I felt myself reaching that one hundred quickly with how he was focusing on that one spot.