Oh, I was so screwed. If this was how he was going to take the news, what the hell was he going to be like for the next nine months?________________

Sixteen minutes later…Getting into the truck after picking up the prescriptions Parker had given me, I waited for Ellis to finally react. He was still walking around like a zombie, and apart from thanking the doctor for his time, he hadn’t said a word.

I finally lost my patience with it all as we pulled into the drive. “Will you say something? Anything at all will do.”

Did he reply? Did he shit. He got out of the vehicle and strolled around the front of it to open my door for me, leaving me anxiously chewing my lip. Ignoring the hand he’d held out to help me, I jumped down and made to push past him, the whole time imagining beating him with a cushion. I was a savage with hormones now running through me, and a stomach that hadn’t let me keep food down in days, so my thirst for feathers flying everywhere was strong. Come to think of it, I’d been so sick that I also hadn’t had coffee in days, leaving me a hormonal, pissed, pregnant, sick, and caffeine deprived pregnant woman, and his face had a cushion with its name on it.

And then he went and made that plan go to shit by wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into him. “Don’t, Ellis, I’m not in the mood. You’ve not said one word since Parker told us, and when I asked you to say something, you ignored me and…” I tipped my head back and stalled when I saw the huge smile aiming down at me. “Why are you smiling? Actually, do you know what, I don’t care,” I pushed gently at his chest to get him to move away from me. “You can stand out here and smile all you want, because if you come inside and do it, I’m going to beat you with the first cushion I find.”

I pushed against him again, still getting nowhere, and that’s when he burst out laughing, endangering his balls. I wasn’t joking, there was an endangered list with his balls on it at number five, the first four spots taken up by his eyes, his nose, his jaw, and his ass. “Baby,” he snickered, reaching up and holding my face in his hands. Have you ever tried getting away from someone when they do that? You end up with your head stuck where they’re holding it, while your ass tries to lead you to freedom. Take it from someone who didn’t know this and save yourself the embarrassment and wait until they least expect their nipple to make a three-hundred-and-sixty degree twist. “Jose,” he murmured, his tone getting my attention. “I’m fucking beside myself that you’ve got my baby in there. In the space of two months all of my dreams have been handed to me. I’m getting to legally call the little girl who owns me my daughter, you’re wearing my ring and about to become my wife, and now I’ve just found out I’m going to be a daddy all over again. Allow me my moment to scream in my head with happiness while I plan a way to show the three of you how much y’all mean to me. Yeah?” he ducked his head down so that our noses were skimming against each other.

When he put it like that, my reaction was childish and selfish, but if people don’t tell you what’s going on in their brains, how the hell are you ever meant to know what they’re thinking or feeling? Ellis was usually so vocal about how he felt or what was going on in his head with me, so when he went mute like he had, it left me feeling off center and I got scared that he was pissed. Then again, I knew my fiancé, and he’d done everything he could to make sure that our bond was strong and deep, so I should have realized he was having a moment – I just wished he’d shared it with me.

Sighing, I leaned forward so that our foreheads were together. It was a strange position because our noses had to rest side-by-side, so we were practically poking each other in the face with them, but it got me where I wanted to be when I apologized. “I’m sorry, I just don’t know what to think or how to feel because I never expected to find that news out today. I always pictured you like one of those dads in the Facebook videos who runs around screaming with his arms in the air after he found out, but you just became a zombie.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and tried to scream at my inner slut as she did cartwheels when my nipples pressed against his hard chest. Down, girl! There’s a time and a place, and this moment isn’t it.